Hydroblade Pelagion - Info for the DiYer

Can we shorten efoil learning curve and develop an efoil without roll or pitch unstability able to reach 70kmph ? The answer is yes in a canard setup using a rotating handlebar.

Some might remember the human-powered canard hydrofoil, an ultra high AR hydrofoil carrying the riders’s weight plus a surface sensing front foil controled by handlebars.

Early Pelagion prototype: two motors pushing a single UHAR foil

2024 setup: two independant small (400 to 500sqcm ?) front wings each topped by a pulling motor
20240416 Twin motors

20240522 2 twin 400sqcm foils pulling motors

A surface sensing front foil:
20240524 Surface sensing HF

This efoil is announced to reach 70kmh, here calm waters:

How does it behave in chopy conditions ? Mast length seems to be missing…

Now what ? Can we make it smaller, simpler, easier to tansport with two 6384 motors and two small batteries ? At the moment, the Pelagion batteries are just huge to ensure 4hrs of riding time…

That’s interesting but it doesn’t look nearly as fun as slashing waves on on more traditional hydrofoil or foil assist!

This concept works best when a hired driver is used instead of a rider.

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