Hydrogen powerd efoil. Any thoughts?

I recently saw drones fly with hydrogen. They have a very small fuel cell which is capable putting out 2kw. But its very pricy. I just want some thoughts from you about it, if it even would be possible. Or would it make any sense at all.


Just for 1000wā€¦

Yes and this is the probelm. The price and complexety.

Hydrogen has higher energy storage density than lithium ion batteries but you need a tank (fuel cell) and a power generator.


  • The 2kw generator has (nearly) the perfect dimensions for our use: an A4 sheet dimension (mm): 266x215x157. 16 cm thickness is nearly compatible with our board thicknesses. H2 Tank in addition.
  • System Weight: 5.800 kg
  • efoil rentals would love it: no recharge time


  • Voltage: only 25V nominal
  • Price 11,000usd :flushed: plus a tank of hydrogen that will need to be refilled at a cost estimated at 8 times than that of its equivalent Li-Ion Wh amount.

This vid says it all:

Great thoughts. Maybe some rich guy could try building itšŸ˜…. It would be very intresteing watching such a special build. Also for the 24v. There are some beefy stepups out there 30ā‚¬ 1500w. So I think this wouldnā€™t be any probelm. How much pressure is needed. And also how would we produce such amounts of H2?

I heard a rumour Supernova was hydrogen powered :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


25V and 2kw is OK :+1:
Greetings Frank

You are completely wrong on this. As the name supernova indicates, it has nuclear fusion reactor as power source.


H2 production is costly (seaparation + pumping into a tank) and consumes as much energy as the hydrogen can produce in return. (watch the video). For the delivery, weā€™re hiring: one 2 litre tank = 2 hours of efoil autonomy (1)
(1) Feasible, calculation coming

So all in in all this idea wouldt be good at allšŸ¤£
But still I think it would be very interesting.

Iā€™ve read that Seabubbles, the river foil taxi company based in Annecy France have a partnership with GreenGT, a Franco-Swiss company to produce a small hydrogen fuel cell for their Bubble H2.
Their specification:

  • with Li-Ion, their charge time is currently 2.5 hours for a two-hour drive time so unfeasible for a taxi fleet.
  • with hydrogen, a 3 minute charge = 3 hours of autonomy.

First tests mid 2021. If this works, we should see companies ordering even smaller H2 cells to GreenGT :star_struck:

All hydrogen transport right now very complex and expensive. Previous year some developer said that this technology only as ā€œdemonstrationā€ because of itā€™s complexity and lack of capacity to deliver hydrogen to all consumers. Also production of hydrogen is power required (20% power required for hydrolysis, so efficiently is ~80%).
But imaging some big floating platform in the middle of nowhere in Atlantics, which produce hydrogen from the salt water using power of sun and light ā€¦ and this hydrogen could use only that people on their boats and hydrogen-foils who able buy 5.000.000$+ yacht

I feel the need to correct this nameā€¦


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