Looking at the build quality, at how many brands have chosen to rebrand the CIMI efoil (4 and counting), 5000€ + shipping cost from France is an honest deal to receive it next week. Their spare battery is in the 1000+usd.
If you order from China, 3800usd + 800-1000usd shipping to the UK + duty + 4-6 week lead time…
This board is sold in Canada and the Uk now.
It has good reliability and has been on the market for two years.
It uses the Maytech remote I am not sure of the Vesc because it is incased in what appears to be a solid potting material.
The quality of the carbon fibre board is not as good as the the top tier boards in the market place but as good or better then a diy board.
It has a nice carbon fiber mast and the Vesc is plate cooled. The plate is mounted on the bottom of the board and had machined cooling fins in it. I have not taken the drive unit apart yet but suspect it is a gear drive as it is not as quite as the top tier boards.
Great post. Do you think it’s possible to change the controller from the Maytech to something else? In your post you say it is a solid potting material but I am wondering if maybe there is a way to access the Maytech board and swap it out for a different controller.
one last question lol what mast size did you go with? I see the mslr boards showing different foil options now and a folding prop. Are they compatible with the cimi board shown here?
If you can, it is most advised to go with Sifly at 5000usd€ or WhimsiTech PLUME at 5600usd€. You have a recent design, 21700 battery cells plus support and available spare parts if need be… !
I’d probably rather go with a used takuma carver 2 than the whimsifoil… In the UK you can get a used carver 2 or waydoo for less than the whimsifoil plume.
There is also the option to get the sifly or DIY a fliteboard fibreglass version. I’m not sure what happened to lift, but it seems it’s almost impossible to buy only a board from them now.
Why are you making a commercial post on a non-commercial thread?
Stop spamming the forum. We all know you just reselling hisun boards under a different label. I’m not sure of it’s one individual or multiple logging into the same account, but keep your stuff to the commercial area otherwise I’m pretty sure the rest of the forum members would happily see this account banned!