Hi there,
I’ve started my build for this cool sport/hobby that I’ve came in contact with. The fun must be on the water but building is a nice challenge and learning process as well.
I gathering parts for a sort of classic pacificmeister, geared setup.
DIY 18650 12s12p (4x3S12P) pack, cells are from e-bike packs, LGDBMG11865
ESC YEP 180A opto watercooled (Hobbyking)
Tx/Rx Modified to 1ch and powered by single cell 18650, waterproofing? (Hobbyking)
Some step-down regulators for pump and Rx
Kill switch (leash) on Rx and failsafe on Rx
Two waterproof cases, one battery, other elektronics. (EKOF GRIP CASE 004)
SSS56104 500KV
Gear 5:1 Hongjun, nema17 gear. Modified with INA needle bearings insted of the chinese bushings
CAD design based on Pacificmeister, own modifications, will be printed in pet-g.
Foil Gong Allvator 65 M
Board DIY from a former Bic surfboard. (size 150x64cm)
These are the basics, let’s show some pics:
Will keep you guys posted with my progress and learning from all the builds that are already flying here