So with the release of Lift4, their new batteries are super interesting! Charge times of 30min and 50min for the small and full size batteries are incredibly impressive! I wonder if they are heating the cells in order to charge them fast, or if they have completely changed their battery tech…
I wonder if it’s in the small print that fast charging will reduce the life span and regular charging is mostly advised. I bet the charger has two settings.
For example it’s possible to charge a Molicel P42 @ 8.4 amps (2c) according to this site, that’s a 30 min charge.
Cells won’t like it though.
I wonder which chargers they are using! So far they have used the DeltaQ IC1200 with 25 amps. But even the top model of DeltaQ ICL1500 does a max of 33 amps output current. To achieve those charging times they would need around 50 amps I guess.
no need to heat them, as we are using our stuff mainly in summer times. EV industrie brings good developments to the batteries.
CATL just release that they will have a new type of cell which can be recharged from 20-80% in 5 minutes!
Charging with 2 c is nothing special if the cell can handle it.
They heat up quite a bit when charged this fast and it also shortens the life of the cells.