Manta Foils officially offering DIY remotes & Props

Hello guys :slightly_smiling_face:

After successfully trying it out with a few customers, we are now officially offering the new Manta remote to DIY builders. This is the remote we offer for the TakeOff Foil assist, and our eFoils. It was fully upgraded this summer 2024 for the TakeOff.

  • Power settings: adjust if you want a slow/medium/fast throttle ramp when you accelerate
  • Boogie steering
  • GPS logs on Manta smartphone app
  • Live power consumption, remaining use time and KM
  • Safety lock: unlock it manually, choose after how many seconds you want it to lock
  • Bright display (1000nits!), choose to turn it off while riding, of after how many seconds
  • Big autonomy: we usually do 4x sessions of 1.5h with it
  • Benefit from the future software updates

It is available with a standalone receiver that provides VESC connectivity (VCC, GND, TX, RX, PPM). PPM signal can be used for throttle or steering servo for a tow boogie (configurable in the remote’s menu). Battery voltage display is supported: 12s and 14s.

The remote is on our Store in the TakeOff accessories’ section:

Select the optional receiver when ordering the remote at the top right of the page.

And as a reminder, we provide to many DIY builders some propellers:


Write to us at sales at would you have any questions :call_me_hand:
Thomas & Renaud


Thank you making it official! I had wondered earlier this year if it was possible to use the Manta remote with a Vesc. Now that it seems the Fero/Felix remote is not easily available the Manta remote can fill the high-end remote space.

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What about us 15S users?

To write things down, 2024 19 10:

  • Remote + receiver: 515usd (395+120), not for any budget
  • Propeller: 125usd

Not yet available. We will think about it during the next firmware dev if the demand is there. :+1:

Hmmmm… So I guess you need a lot of DIY’ers who use your remote and use a 15S to think about adding this option!

In that case I guess it will never happen

We are testing it now with a customer who placed an order and will confirm once he validates that it works, as we don’t have a 15s on hand to quickly confirm it.

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I have just send you a personal message.

Update: we now include 6S to 24S.
This is available in the remote settings menu.


will the remote work for tow boogie steering with duel motors with differential thrust?

I would also like to see some details on boogie steering options.
Furthermore I’m interested in the following topics:
What outputs/ inputs does the receiver offer in general?
Is it possible to get basic telemetry data to the remote also with non-VESC escs?
What are the physical dimensions of the receiver?
What supply voltage goes to the unit?

Thank you!

Today the remote firmware has no integrated code for dual motor function.
This could be done, having the throttle in serial and the motor servo in pwm.
But we don’t have the bandwidth / demand to develop such code for now.

If need to do some differential then you’ll need to manage by yourself, finding a way to split a PWM channel into 2x signals.

In its current state, from the shelf, the remote is made for eFoil and not Tow boogie.
Hope this clarifies : )


Could you maybe answer my other questions? They are not related to the tow boogie topic but mor general.

For example it matters for me if the receiver would fit my foil assist build. As you can imagine I’m not open to spend the money just to find out the receiver will not fit in my box.

I’m happy for any details. Thanks

Hello! Thanks for your patience.

The receiver has ppm for throttle and serial for vesc data.
(5V,GND, tx and rx, PPM)

We can’t take data from other ESC. It’s not a technical limitation (we actually do it for some of our own esc) but rather a programing matter. We have no time to develop code for others ESCs than the ones we use.

And if you need some ESC:
160A for Foil Assist - 350 USD
300A for eFoil - 550 USD

Dimensions of the receiver PCB: 29.5238MM

Hope this clarifies : )

The size of the receiver is the same as a “LilyGO TTGO T-Lite W5500 ESP32”, but without the OLED display. (29.5x23x8mm)
We have the remote, and it looks and works great.
Basic telemetry is shown, but we use a Flipsky 75200, so not sure if this is the case with a non-VESC.

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