I want to Build an efoil board, my first plan was to buy a efoil kit from Maytech including motor, esc, remote and reciver. Has anyone experience with their products? Or is there a better solution?
What i like about maytech is that it all comes together and works together.
You might also want tot have a look at Flipsky.
They have a kit or you can pick individual components from their product line that match your requirements.
Avoid maytech, they have a long history of selling poor and overpriced products and ghosting customers with issues. I’ve experienced it myself but got my issue resolved with a paypal claim.
Avoid Maytech,
- Specifications are inaccurate
- ESCs and Switches cannot support the claimed current
- There is no warranty - they offer a pathetic discount on a replacement
- There is very little support
Flipsky are much better.
Maytech kit is better, especially the waterproof remote, the most reliable one I got.
Mine leaked almost immediately.
Flipsky V3 is going strong
AVOID MAYTECH. I had a very bad experience with them. Flipsky is much better.
Can confirm that, avoid maytech.