Maytech Extended Antenna - Waterproofing

What would be the best way to waterproof the extended antenna of a Maytech receiver without hindering the signal? Would dipping it into epoxy do it?

For reference, I am trying to place the antenna on the top surface of the board nose.

I am not sure what step of the process you are in, but when I made my board, before I fiberglassed, I cut out a pocket for it so that it sat flush with the foam surface and potted it in epoxy in place. The wire ran down a channel in the foam into the electronics compartment. Then I fiberglassed over it when doing the whole board.

If you are going to be putting it on the top of the fiberglass, you could get some conformal coating for it or something. Epoxy dipping it could work. You might want to remove the 3m adhesive tape from the bottom and then replace it with a new strip after epoxy coating it if you go that direction.

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Thank you! I was thinking of building it inside the board under a FG layer, but i like the ability to remove it as I’m building a FD/wing board with the ability to remove all electronics. The antenna is a small weight but was wondering what could be done and if potting it would work/be needed. I’ll give it a try, thanks again @Twstahle