Maytech Remote broken throttle spring!

I broke the throttle spring on a relatively new Maytech V3 remote control. Fortunately on land and off, not so funny! Has this ever happened to you? Is this a general problem? I have 3 remotes, but this is the one I’ve used the most. I can’t see any corrosion on the screw. Does it still make sense to always wash out the remote control with fresh water?

Unfortunately, fresh water will not correct a heat treatment error.

Do you think it is necessary to replace it by a better one in general?


Avoid Maytech, got the same problem.

Perfect Manufacturer: Will send you a new remote.
Flipsky: Will send you a new spring.
Maytech: Will magnify a photo of a broken spring 1000x, find a different colored pixel, and blame you for breaking it because you intentionally damaged the spring.