This is my “version 2.0” for the clamp after the first has delaminated at the head of the screws.
If the printed layers are not all compressed by the tightening of the screws, sooner or later it is destined to break.
In the new version 4 threaded bars keep the layers compressed and the stresses do not weigh on them.
Designed for Axis 19mm aluminum mast and Maytech / FlipSky 65161/65162 motors.
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Hence the need to put carbon fiber on your PETg printed parts preferably
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Nice design. On Thingiverse there is something weird:
- Clamp_back: 86kb
- Clamp_Front: 19Mb. Should be 86kb since same dimensions as Clamp_back piece, it is 22 times more
- Ogive: 19Mb should be 30-40kb according to size.
Thank you!
Yes, I saw. Unfortunately I exported the files with a too high resolution because Solidworks remembers the previous settings and I had done some tests by setting 1 degree of resolution for the STL files. If you think it might be a problem, I’ll reload the files with a lower resolution.