MR remote design share

Hello guys.
I have spent last summer designing and making of remote that i was planing to be cheap alternative to Felix remote. I have made 5 prototipes and tested them last summer, then life happend and i got a kid and dont have time to improve nor start small scale production so i decided to share whole design for free.
I will not write tutorial how to make one or how to assemble one but im here for any quesions you guys may have.


  • Uart comunication with vesc
  • Gps speed and time
  • logging data to sd card (speed, current, motor current, battery level, etc)
  • Web based menu for adjusting setting
  • Selectables screens for displaying current, speed, rpm, etc
  • multiple output options ppm, adc, uart
  • multipe uart output modes: current control, duty control and rpm control
  • downloadable csv log from web interface
  • cruise control
  • optional magnetic leash estop
  • upradable firmware with usb
  • only two button for cruise, on/off, unlock, cruise control
  • auto lock on signal loss

improvement needed.
needs some improvement or mabye whole redesign, mounting point for remote pcb dont fit.
Work needed on lid part as it is only glued and whole remote needs to be potted with soft silicon rubber.
Option to delete old logs in web interface is needed. ← added now in new newest version of software…
For now old log can be deleted by connecting to FTP server on remote and deleting file.

Uploading code to Remote Esp32:
Arduino project for Remote part is in folder called “slider”
Before compiling and uploading code to remote MAC address of receiver ESP32 needs to placed to remote code line 45. (also in receiver code MAC address of remote ESP32 needs to be placed in line 13.)
also data from data folder need to be flshed to remote ESP32 prior to flashing code, using LittleFS Filesystem uploader addon for arduino ide.

some list of parts needed for the build.,scm-url:1007.40000.326746.0,pvid:6a448c21-4a96-4707-b6e6-1a1a4b75bde3,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238112%23597&pdp_npi=4%40dis!HRK!32.80!32.80!!!34.36!34.36!%40211b6c7d17216773650474432e7b1f!12000036979664255!rec!HR!119950568!&utparam-url=scene%3ApcDetailBottomMoreOtherSeller|query_from%3A!HRK!17.51!17.51!!!2.53!2.53!%402103854617217212633243292e6dec!12000033839029583!sea!HR!119950568!X&curPageLogUid=mZfK3qRpo8zm&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A!HRK!30.73!23.05!!!4.44!3.33!%402103867617217242050136493ee815!10000004271834343!sea!HR!119950568!&curPageLogUid=g0TLG7ckndPk&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A
rest of part is inside bom in rar file

Fusion files are now added to rar file with software

  • 1: Power on/off button and cruise control activation.
    When remote is off pressing for 3s and more seconds remote will turn on.
    When remote is on pressing for 3s and more seconds remote will turn off.
    When remote is on and unlocked holding trigger at desired throttle level and pressing shortly will activate cruise control ( trigger can be released ) Deactivating cruise control by pressing trigger again or automatically when signal to receiver is lost.

  • 2: Unlock and screen switch button.
    When remote is on and connected to receiver log press for more than 3 sec will unlock remote ( “L” ) sign will disappeare. Remote will lock back automatically when signal to receiver is lost.
    Short press will scroll screens.

*** Note all action for button 1 and button 2 are happening upon releasing button.


more pictures.



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1: Gps number of sattelites used.
2: Lock inicator ( unlock by holding yellow button more than 3 sec)
3: Reciver connection indicator ( circle is full when connected to reciver)
4: Efoil battery level)
5: Remote battery level
6: throttle position idicator


This looks nice!
For the V2 version of my remote I am also planning to use an ESP for processing, but a different RF solution. Nevertheless, will you share the code with the community? Would be a great starting point for me, as I was also planning to do the settings in a webpage, pretty much exactly like you did.


You can download whole arduino project from google drive, link is in first post.
Thare is project for reciever and remote part ( remote part is called “slider”)


Hey Marko,
I am glad for you with the baby!
Thank you for sharing your design.
DIY will find it’s place again.
I stopped doing quadcopters hobby when my baby was born. Later on after 1-2 years time was freed again, but priorites and interests were changed.

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I know this feeling so well! I have a little 2.5 year old and there’s so little time for projects now! I used to dedicate 4 hours a day to projects now its 0…

Great looking remote though.

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A lot of has changed, and free time for my projects is minimal but im happy.
My baby is only 9 months old and needs a lot of attention
I hope my work so far will help you guys build yourself some nice remotes.
Software is almost finished and fully working but housing need some improvement and redesign.


hello Jezza.
Yes same here, i can work on my projects only when i put mine to sleep at night, and with so many projects around house i needed to stop this one.
I will work on this one only here on forum to answer questions and help ppl to build and assemble.
Thanks, i hope it will get even better when DIY community steps in.

Here is one chunk of log from sd card.

Here is some more pictures of charging/data port and seal molded from 2k silcone .


I have added SD log delete option in web interface.

Added libreries needed to compile code to rar file.
Added BLE for connecting vesc tool.
Reciever can now be used to change and adjust settings with vesc tool.
( when vesc tool is connected to receiver remote is automaticly disconnected for stability of ble connection)

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Added fusion files to rar file.
Made some small improvements to battery lid/magnetic connector holder,
Made some improvements to remote lid, added grove for selant.