My first Build Kåge

I would just take a moment and thank this community for all the knowledge that been posted, i had so much help to build my first efoil. And today was the day that i flied for the first time, couldn´t really get my feet on the board but i flied lying down. I have build back and fort about 1 year and made my own battery and printed fastenings to the motor and shaped the board all by myself, and frankly I am pretty proud of that. :slight_smile:

My build is really easy, motor is a flipsky 65165, with a cut down propeller to 150 mm that i get with the motor.
it is controlled by FSESC 75/200 and the flipsky VX3 handremote.
battery is made of Sony vtc5 2x 6S12P assemblied in serie so it would be easy to charge with my SKYRC PC1080


Let’s see some photos :grinning:

This picture is from the first day. :grinning:


Nice! , and good to see another efoil builder in the north of Sweden :+1: