My latest build from Melbourne Australia

My 4th build so far
fully carbon fibre board with EPS core designed on AkuShaper
1500mm length board provides excellent buoyancy and is designed with a v cut and nose rocker to prevent submarining
Motor is a Flipsky 65161 100kv swinging a custom design 2 blade prop
Battery is a custom bult 13s 18650 40ah Li-ion
Esc is a 75200
Current draw is 14amps at 22kph top speed is 35.8kph
Aluminium mast acts as a heatsink
Wing area is 1400cm2
Total weight is 25kgs including battery
Controller is a custom programmed Flipsky VX3

Let me know what you guys think, I’m open to criticism as I want to create the perfect affordable efoil

Shoutout to Flipsky who have been of great assistance is catering to all my needs and going out of their way to assit and advise me on the perfect setup.


Prop file can be dowloaded here
STL file Flipsky 65161 2 Blade Propeller 🚁・3D print design to download・Cults


Fantastic build. One of the the better I’ve seen here!


Nice build!!

Can you tell me more about how you customized the VX3?

Had them pre program the power on screen with a custom logo, nothing too fancy but it adds a nice touch

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Thanks! Its been a 4 year learning curve and lots of failures to get it to this stage

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That looks like a great build. Do you sell them?

The aim is to sell a few hopefully

Again congrats on the latest build. Hope the sales work out for you.

Thanks for the answer about the VX3 programming. I thought perhaps you had managed to program and load your own version. I personally would like to alter cruise control to be able to disable it from happening.

Can you help me understand the purpose of this connection?


That plug connects the esc to the receiver mounted in the nose of the board

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Hello Kevin tran. I’ve got a dodgey ESC in a new Takuma Carver. Chirps but doesn’t light up when connected to the battery. Any diagnostic advice or replacement ESC options from your successful exploits?? H

Amazing build.
I am also trying to develop an affordable eFoil here in Brazil.

Genius idea using the mast as a heatsink. How is the ESC mounted? Is it inside the board?

Why did you choose a 100kV motor instead of a 120kV motor?
700 watts (13S 14A) is impressively low. How much do you weigh?
I noticed on Instagram that you used to use a Fliteboard propeller (at least I think so). Why did you change it?

Isn’t it disabled in the surf mode?

I don’t understand your ? If you are referring to. cruise control the answer is no it’s not disabled

Right, it is not disabled, but need to hold break button for 3 seconds. How is it possible to do it inadvertently? The break button being used only for unlocking

When it happened to me I “accidentally” pressed the brake button when I was gripping the remote. The intersection of thumb and pointer finger just slid against the button enough to trigger it.

I was just flying along and let my finger off the throttle and nothing happened. I managed to hit enough buttons to turn cruise control off and the board slowed down. Dangerous for new riders that may not know the function is even there (ask me how I know this🤨)

IMO this should be a function that by default is OFF. When the rider wants to use it then toggle it ON and it stays ON.

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