Do you know the pole count of the FR motor. Do you think its a higher pole motor like the lift motor?
The reacher/maytech motors are still a 6 pole motor so I dont think they will drive the prop like the FR motor. I wouldn’t be expecting the same result from a 6 pole 120Kv maytech motor vs the FR 120Kv with a higher pole count.
Hopefully the maytech/reacher 6 pole has enough torque to work well for the bigger guys. Sure would be a great solution for a lot of builds.
16poles 18 slots. It’s the optimised amount for an inrunner for our purpose.
The FR motor will definitely have more torque. But you pay more than double for that.
I am 90kg and my board most like comes in at 25kg. So we’ll have a very interesting comparison when I get the maytech motor.
Another massive difference I found is the board. I have tested the FR motor on two different boards. One it struggled to get onto the plane fast and I had to give it a few pumps. On the other the board planed super easily and just flew. Thankfully the board that just flew was mine.
Interesting to compare. Do You know what is the technical detail/design feature that you evaluate FR motor to have more torque than Maytech with same KV ?
I don’t really need to evaluate it. The FR motor has more poles and is a slightly wider motor. More poles means it will naturally have a wider rotor which ultimately means more torque.
I’m just comparing specs. But since neither really have any losses its a good comparison(if the numbers are correct). The 6384 was in oil and there was a shaft seal/bearing between the motor and prop. The other way I ran it was directly in water…and I didn’t notice any loss in power from one to the other. I’m not a data geek though so don’t quote me. I just test in water. I’ll get fancy after I find something that rides well…and fine tune it that way.
Interesting that you managed to get out on the 6384. I only managed 10kph and it was not enough on my wing to get me up. I might be a bit heavy at 90Kg and 6’2" though.
Did you coat the motor in epoxy before running it direct?
no just corrosion X. It was just a test to see if it did any better than oil encased. It didn’t. I actually liked the oil encased version because there was no worry if I coated something properly or if the salt water would damage anything, etc…
I’m about 85kg and like I said barely got up. My board is over 100L but short and I think that helped
If we are going to settle on the Reachertech motor 65150 then what battery is going to be the most optimal to set this up with? 14s12p (3000mAh batteries) or?
No one has tested it at 14S and its only rated for 12S. So 12S12P Samsung 30Q would be a good option.
By the end of this month I should hopefully have a 120Kv version of the Maytech so should be able to give some insight into how it performs compared to the 100Kv version Virus has.