New (jet board) build discussion thread

Picture of the board is from the top. (Deck).
And yes that is the plan. Sharp tuck on the rails for the last 1/3rd of the board.

We have not decided if we will put fins on it.
I do not have any on my old board.

Ah I see. Yeah put some futures fin boxes in. Fins are a huge plus when turning and you can also experiment with different sizes.

Yes so true about the fins. but where do we put them?
Same with the foot straps. We would love to put some on… but again. where exactly.

So back in 2018 or 2019, I watched a video of the lampuga boost at the boot show where they claim they had a huge thrust of 100kg. Yet the board was advertised to be « only » 55kmh.

Makes me think you won’t be able to reach 50kmh with this setup. What’s your thoughts ?

It is not that we want to reach 50 km/h, and it was a wild guess.
BUT. With the setup I have now I am hitting 30 km/h. and this is with a 6S lipo.

The board we are using (an old cutdown surfboard) is not made for this speed, and the jets are foamed into the board (not really flush with the bottom).
Besides this the center of mass is way off to the back causing it to be “tail” heavy.

One thing will be sure. The new board will go faster than what we have now.
And… no more 6S, but 12S.

I’m not sure but 100kg seems awfully overly-optimistic. Jet-skis make around 400kg on average.

That website boasts 58km/h with what they say is 14 horsepower. Guess how many watts 14hp is… 10,500watts. So yeah we can do it with the 12,000watt design i’m after :smile:

Also side note- look how tiny the jet looks on their site. Thanks for mentioning another board not heard of that one.

Like the look of that. Now I need to find fin boxes (whatever they are called).
Any suggestion where to get them from?

These are the ones I use in my surf as they are quite a bit stronger than the FCS.

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Ok but you need to provide rider weight when speaking about speed for a jetboard. You said earlier you were 60kg. So you are hitting 30kmh with 60kg which is great, but what about heavier riders ? I mean there are very little people weighting 60kg here (yes I know jetboardcologne does but still).
Have you tested your 6S setup with a heavier rider ? What was the outcome ?

Honestly I tried to find this video back and couldn’t, but I really remember they said something like this.
Yes they are using a 10kW motor (Lehner motors).

Might look tiny but is not. Look at some videos you’ll see. I remember I’ve seen someone speaking about an impeller in the 90mm range for the boost too.

Sure. Riders weight is an important factor.
I guess my total weight will be around 70 kg when geared up and wet. (Lifejacket, wet suit…).
How do the big company’s test/report? Do they publish a weight/speed chart?

Like this (exemple from Carver X but same with all other brands) :


I see.
Wow. Only 150 liters with a length of 240cm and 70cm with.
How do they do this ? Is the board only 9 cm thick?

I show about 11.5cm with board features being included. Its not a box. Its tapered, has chamfers and a skinny tail. Use those numbers for beam and length and you get about 11.5cm thick which is about 4.5". 150 liters is about 150kg of water displacement. As long as the board doesn’t weigh 50kg its going to be pretty buoyant.

Did you find out whether the 83100 is available in a higher KV?
Or didn’t Bruno bother answering :sweat_smile:

He did get back to me a couple days later but I didnt ask him. I asked the manufacturer →

They told me it would be costly (to make a customized run- and i’d need qty). It’s an e-bike motor which is why the kv is so low.

freerchobby lists their mp100 for jet boards. That 100mm motor is IT. That’s where OE’s are getting 12kw. I’m guessing mp100 is a tp100 knock-off as i’m being quoted $600 for a tp100 and the mp sits at $350. Either can be sent at 320kv and @ 55v that gets you 12kw at 17k rpm.

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So you are saying, the mp100 would be the optimal choice?

It would be the cheapest choice. Bruno just emailed me and said he cant get the MP100 anymore. So a TP100 appears to be it. I quoted it with TPMOTOR directly however, instead of with Alien. Why use a distributor when they sell direct for the same price. It’s about a 4 week lead time and $600. Don’t yet buy one as you’re only going to delay my supply chain :stuck_out_tongue: I’m going to order one next week.

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I’d be really interested to read your tests results with your jet on this setup. That would be nice to have a thread with different solutions on the jets too like we are talking right now