Nickel doubling and other

Curious about current flow from cells through nickel and ways to increase the ampacity of the current flow path.

Specifically, whether leaving the cell contact area thinner and reinforcing in other areas would adequately increase the apacity of the system. Similar to how fused packs are attached to a high current “bus” even though the cell connection is via a small wire rated for a specific smaller load. Or similar to how we sometimes use bus bars or wires along a p group.

For example:

  1. using a 30mm wide making series and parallel connections, with a 15mm strip on top to increase ampacity (kind of like a larger bus).
    Or 2) soldering a wire across a group.

This turns out to be hard to verbalize, but curious if people are doing things other than just doubling up identical strips. Attached a crude drawing.

I‘m working on a copper nickel sandwich, 0.1mm cu plus .1mm nickel on top to be able to spot weld the copper. 0.15mm cu could work as well, if you have a good spot welder like kweld.


I soldered 8X0.15 copper between 0.15 nickel. (Then welding nickel)
Got 40mohm from 12s3p which is 4mohm per S which is only 1mohm outside of the battery. But it is a bit tedious.

Next battery I plan to only solder copper directly - freeze cells, put drop of soldering agent and solder copper to cell using a 200w-300w in a punched hole above the cell. 2-3s of contact.

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What cell holders are you using?

I have designed this holder.
First day in the water!
Will update my build page in the next few days with all details and models. Subscribe for updates.
'Assist build from Israel

These strips seem to be a good alternative as well, they do custom measurements.

Copper Nickel Strip 21700 2P Power Lithium Battery Copper Busbar 18650 1P Positive And Negative Copper Sheet 26650 32650 Custom


Very cool! Thanks.

Maybe worth it, but it certainly pricey:
1P 14$/m 14mm wide. (0.3mm/15mm copper strip costs 2$/m)
2P 22$/m 32mm wide