Over voltage warning after setting up vesc with ADC


So I just set up my Flipsky 300A vesc with a throttle (ADC).

Now after setup the motor spinna up for two seconds and then stops. And I see this on my computer.

Is it just because there isn’t a propeller or am I missing something? The motor is a 85165.


What is your supply voltage?


Is this normal or is it a real issue? I did update the firmware to support higher voltage

What’s the settings under general - advanced? There you can set the high limit for voltage?

How beefy is your supply? Is it a big battery or some digital power supply?

Its a big pack. 20S21P. I’m about to split it to 10S since the voltage is too high.

But in the vesc I set it to Max 86v. So I guess that should be ok? I mean just for testing at home. Going out on the water - it’s a diy electric outboard.

This is my build videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeYAxwVWtsDdNviGXR94wV86b41AllahZ&si=U_veQxCkunug4dgL

The vesc voltage measurement is not perfect, maybe set it to 88V

Awesome. Put it to 90 v and now all errors are gone working great!