Remote Control winnig W4 Waterproof Review

Hi folks !
this is my review a bout w4 remote control that anybody would try for its price being cheap ! so pay attention before buy since i gonna give my reviews as daily user of electric paddle board !!! so everything i reviewed is put on hard test !

i bought this remote to replace the vx3 pro from flipsky after it fails too … vx3 pro is not a waterproof remote it leaks after some sessions of uses and flipsky support wont refund you about that since my experience and other guys experience told in telegram groups of efoilers

first problem of w4 remote :
the throthe range of the remote is not fully effective so only from 0 to 45 % of movement of stick throthle will send signal and work , rest of movement of the throthe stick is not working so you will not get that smooth control on your motor . after contacting the seller they said it is a build problem problem and i need to replace a resistor on pcb board and reprogram or flash the receiver without taking any responsablity on its products .

second problem : ( battery life )
as tested the battery life of this remote 2 hours max

third problem and worst : ( remote leaks )
your remote w4 will be leaking just after some sessions of use , even if it is not submerged to water just splaches of water …that 's what happened to me …after the remote leaked during cruising , the remote went crazy and send on its own max speed to the controller continously thing you cant stop which is dangerous for rider so pay attention if you are using this remote on powerful motor

after opening the remote i found water leaks to pcb with corosion belew the magnetic hall sensor … feel free to ask or comment below
best regards from Morocco

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Yeah that remote sucks. I had the same one a couple years ago with lots of bad issues including areas of the remote where it had binary rollover issues where it sent the completely wrong signal.

Yes , another problem found is potentiometer in pcb board is not covered by silicone and it makes water penetrates to electronic inside which make shortcut …dealing with this remote is very dangerous specialy on high performance electric surf board with stronger motor and powerful prop …remote can send crazy signal uncontrollable to motor make it worse exprience ever be caution guys