I’m currently going through my build and just starting to look at the box/insert to hold the battery & electronics etc.
So I’ve currently got an old windsurfer that I need to mount a DIY mast and foil (yet to be compelted) and I’m trying to thin of ways to keep works to a minimum and waterproof etc.
So I was thinking…an old windsurf board cut in half and then hollow out a central core/box section (won’t be easy to do and internally needs sealed/glassed) which you could slide a box into - by box, I mean, box mounted to mast and whole lot slides in.
This would leave the top of the board in tact and the bottom of the board mostly in tact (except a slot cut for the fin to slide the whole way in to the position you want and it could be held in place then with a strong version of this from the back of the board so no drag.
Would there then be too much layers between the remote in my hand and the receiver I wonder?
Some very crude sketches below for thought: