Riding board shape for tow boogie

Hello! Im halfway building my tow boogie and it occurred to me that my sub 10l dockstart board might not be so easy to deep water start with the boogie and started thinking if there’s an optimal board shape for towing.
I see a lot of you using prone boards since you use them in the swell but I don’t have any waves where I live so I’m thinking what would be sufficient for flat water water starts.
I’m thinking something like a bigger version of the foil & co sk8 board, short wide and thick for maximum volume in a small footprint?

Anyone that’s been towing a lot that have any ideas about this?

It’s a backward question to me, the tow is meant for any board you want to use it with, right?

I’m building a tow currently and if it doesn’t pull me and my smallest board up then i’ll increase the power, either by larger motors or higher input.

A board that someone your weight would usually prone is ideal.

It saves battery life and If something goes wrong you have a board that you can paddle home.


A prone or wakefoil board. The latter are generally designed to be pulled up by boat so have a design to accommodate this. The only caveat on the wakefoil side is they are lower volume than prone boards.