RL wings combine with gong wing?

I’m just looking for my new front wing and my rear wing and wonder if I can combine front and rear wings from different manufacturers. Or is it always together? In this case I would like to buy the RL-setup completely and combine the Gong Allvator SUP 65 L Frontwing. Do you think that fits? Or do I have to buy the backwing too?

Besser ist es immer beide Flügel zu wechseln.
Ich mische aber auch öfters, in meinem Fall Flügel von Caprinha und Liquid Force, da diese alle die gleichen Lochabstand nutzen, auch am Mast.
Gruss Frank

Okay, I will try it. I want to feel the different between the wings

Is this true for the newer mast profile? I have a 2017 liquid force mast. Is it compatible with the high rise fuselage from cabrinha?

Sorry, ich weiss nicht ob neeu oder alt…
Caprinha Douplle Agent
Und Liquid Force Rocket und Happy Foil passen untereinander.
Gruss Frank

By the way, RL-Board makes new fuselages with
oval holes. That fits on almost all wings. They should be available from December.

Just curious, the FB page not being updated regularly, how do you get this type of info ?

I am in contact with him and he sent me the pictures. Wait a month. It is worth it

The new dimension from RL-fuselage


Yeah! Just arrived. I think, it will work with the new fuselage. Gong mast and RL-wing setup.


Good job RL: this fuselage with oval holes should fit at least 70% of the mast market :

  • case1: 3 x M6 screws like Airush, Gong, Naish, RRD, Takuma, …
    Fuselage OK with any mast having a screw spacing between 40 and 51 mm. With a 8.5mm width hole, 6mm mast screws might need a diameter extension for a better fixing though (play in roll and yaw axis).
  • case 2: 2 x M8 screws
    Fuselage OK with any mast having a screw spacing between 40 and 62 mm like Slingshot 51mm, Nobile 55mm, Axis 61mm …)
    NOK work for the Chinese masts from ZJ Sports (33.5 + 38.5mm spacing),
    To be continued, … Zeeko ?

Ich suche noch eine Mast Base für 2xM8.
Falls jemand noch etwas übrig hat und verkaufen möchte.
Gruss Frank

Most 3xM6 plates are standard (2 x 40mm screw spacing between the 3 holes).
For 2xM8 mast bases you have to address 2 possible issues: they have a custom screw spacing AND dedicated female airfoil section (Zeeko, RL, Slingshot, Axis…).
So once you find a suitable alu plate, you will probably have to re-drill it… providing the female airfoil section matches…

Efoils base plates are windfoil one replications: a female airfoil section plus 2 M8 or 3 M6 allow to support the extra strain of the 100+kg load above.
If you are a light person, you could try the kitefoil system: a bare alu plate with 2 holes without female footprint made in a 5 to 10mm thick enlarged aluminium plate plus the 4 US rail holes on a 90 x 165 pattern.

Danke Dir!
Die Alternative, so wie auf Deinem Bild hatte ich auch schon überlegt, aber eine richtige Base wäre mir lieber.
Neu bohren wäre da gar kein Problem.
Gruss Frank