Selling my wooden v2 efoil board

Selling my v2 only board it it has one little scratch
The board has 160 to 67cm and ca 90liters good for beginnings and advanced

Box Size complete is 39x28cm and for batterie is 29x28x9cm it coms with water intake and outake and hatch lock weight is 11.5kg a little bit heavy
Price is 350 euro


I think its a piece of art even if it has no real rocker (bend in fron). So at 350€ its complete with hatch and latches?
Interested if you are willing to send to sweden. Would be a nice addition to collection compared to a fliteboard with ash veneer…

Complete with hatch and Patches but not easy to ship to sweden

Nothing in life is easy :slight_smile: But at least we are talking ground transport with dpd or so. Could be worse… Can it take a fullgrown 100kg man? Zooming in I can see that you seem to be using wooden screws for foil attachment, but should be easy to convert to M8 SS inserts right?
Also what coating do you have on it?

The foil is fixed with m8 inserts (40mm Long) in the board i have good over 90 Kilo with flipsky motor no problem

The board is glased with 160g glas one topcoat and finish with matt coating

This is a low Price for a Big job :call_me_hand:


Sounds great, very impressed. Saw that you were also building other wooden boards. Are you building to custom sizes and then at what cost approx?

Hey can you tell me where you bought the motor and Foil? I’m in Brazil so there is no way to ship it here LOL

Motor in banggood and foil over eBay kleinanzeigen in germany

Wodden_CustomBoards How I Can contact with you ? I’m interested to buy :blush:

Sorry i have sell it

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I am the lucky guy who bought Sebastians board:
If he ever sells one again, the only question you have to ask is: “am I worthy?”
This board is a work of art and the price doesn’t even come close to reflect this: thanks again Sebastian, I will certainly treat it well!


I’m thinking of building a small series of a newly designed board of 2-5 pieces.
The board is 145x64x12cm and has pretty much the same outline as the lift 4.9 Sportfoil.
I like the idea that my boards can travel all over the world on seas, rivers or lakes.
I build my boards entirely by hand and it’s just fun.
The hatch will be the same as on my v3 and it is absolutely waterproof with the screwed closures.
The surface is 160g glass and a topcoat with epoxy. On customer request in semi-matt or dull matt

I don’t build the boards under time pressure, they will be ready when they are ready.


Looking at the craftsmanship of the board I have here, I am definitely interested.
Would you also build something like your #3 “Kube” shaped 1,25m board?
Any idea on the expected price? No hurries, too many boards here currently… :wink:

The build begins 2 New Boards for Selling one is Sold hope can make finish this year

The one build is Custom for manta foil Mast with Electronic off the mastplate

Work in progress


So the wood work ist almost over and the mast mount is finish only the hatch and the many little things to do