SurFoilAssist-New Project

Dear DIY buddies,

after starting building eFoils 4 years ago , Faux Foil Drive assit kit , I realised that eFoiling was fun but quite boring after a while ! in the mean time Surf Foiling with Faux Foil Drive embended in the board was fun !
Embended solution is key to bring the right balance to the board , the right solution for foiling experience .
No signal lost , plenty of power , battery embended , best solution for foling expenrience. the weight of the kit is key to bring a pure foling experience.

Very soon I will release the first surf foil assist with battery & electronic embended . a surf foil shapped with all electronic embended with a modular foil option.

stay tune . check SurfoilAsist on insta for news


Hi Vincent,

You mean - embedded? I understand that English is not you first language, neither is mine. I get assistance from ChatGPT/Bing to rephrase my text.

I didn’t find you on Instagram, would you send a link please?

Embedded - means cutting a board… No signal lost - only if the board has high volume…

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yes english is not my first neither my second.
the idea is to sell the board with all electronics inside and selling the board RTF (Ready to fly)

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Where are well in this project ?

…this didn’t age well. If you have anything, post it here👍