TAKUMA CRUISER 1 new E-Foil problem

Ok, i don’t know the Takuma architecture so to help you we need to ask some basic questions:

  • What was the last thing that happened between when it worked until now when it doesn’t work?
  • Is the battery charging and showing a good voltage?

In the video it seems like the esc is stuck in a startup routine over and over again. This might be caused by voltage dropping if power isn’t fully on.
There is an automatic fuse breaker (see pic) Check if this can be latched on by manually resetting it a few times. It might be that it is busted, it can happen since they are mechanical and affected by sparking which sometimes happens.

Check all connectors and wiring, any signs of damage, loose connector pins or corrosion?
Is the motor rotating freely when the esc is powered off? If there is a short circuit on the phase wires or in the esc then it will have a clear resistance vs turning that increases rapidly with rotation speed.

This was posted on Facebook a few days ago. Perhaps contact them to see if they can help

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Thank you so much for you r replies

  • we were using normally the e-foil it just stop to work at 20% of battery power
  • the battery is completely chraged
  • the noise, the beebs, doesn’t comes from the ESC they comes from the motor
  • the fuse seems OK I have tur off and on few times, in on position there are the beeps of the error coming from the motor, I think that meen that is working
  • all the wires and connectors seems in good conditions, it was used only few times during 20 days
  • the motor turn in off position, the propeller is a little be hard to turn but it was like this also when it was brand new

I can try to buy one esc or a new motor but first I need to know wich one is dammaged.

If there is an other user here that holt a takima maybe he can help me, I remember that on esc there was a red light that turned green wen the remote was pair, in theese moment ther nothink so I can imagine that the ESC as a problem. I openet it and there is no trace of corrosion or circui break everything look brand new…

What i mean is that you can play tones with the motor windings but the command comes from the esc. Is the tone sequence the same as it was when it worked?

If there is no added resistance on the motor when turning then phases are not short circuited and esc has basic function (it’s mosfets are not shorted either)

Did it stop in the middle of running when you used it last time? Was that an unexpected cutout or just from normal low voltage?

It could be your aerial and or handset… you also have an older style ESC as the standard now( is/was) the mini ESC but those older units did have some connection issues…its not likely to be your motor as that has no software and is essentially a sealed brushless engine. Check the phase cables inside the nose cone and make sure they’re all connected.
If your LED doesnt change colour to show the pairing of both ESC and handset then that is likely to be your problem. I also doubt that warranty will still apply to that older ESC as its essentially been superceded by the mini version…however, you could swap out the old unit with a mini and associated hand set…that will get you going but will be pricey.


The tone sequence seems to me different

Yes same resistance, I just double ceck

We pause the session for 2 minutes and he did not power on again

I post you a photo of the ESC opened maybe you can advice me to test the voltage in some part/connection of it

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Can’t advice much since i don’t know the system but seems like the receiver is on the middle right. Flimsy antenna :sweat_smile:
Is there a status led on the receiver board? might be visible without removing the board if you check in the dark. On the receivers i have there is both a pairing led and a signal led that lights up during use.

I’d check if the resettable fuse is fully on and has low resistance, should be some milliohms if it’s good.

Are there any signs of problems on the hand control? Leakage, errors, strange behaviour? This is a logical point of failure since it takes a beating during riding.

Everything seems OK, but, simply it doesn’t work. You think I can change the receiver with the remote and keep the ESC, it’s a kind of standard connections? You can mix different brands?

Have you sent an email to any of the contacts I listed above for the company that has taken over Takuma.? The last one OKwild might be the person to start with.

Seems to me that they would know what the problem is.

No, don’t think it’s interchangeable, and it’s not sure this is the problem… better contact Takuma.

I have a carver 2 with the mini ESC. I had connection issues which were down to theantenna and pcb. I contacted OMNISPECIAL (they make the mini ESC, the remote and the battery on my system)… and they sent me aa new ocb and v2 aerial which is beefier…i now get great connection and my system no works as it should…i now use the Carver parts on my tow boogie and still get good connection from 7 meters out from my tow rope…check who makes that ESC and see if you can get some parts from the manufacturer directly. Cant rate OMNISPECIAL highly enough…very helpful bunch…the parts cost me about 80 bucks to the UK from China.

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I also meant to say that i tried to bypass the existing receiver with a Flipsky vx3 and although it paired theree was still a fault as ut could not read the battery and came up with an error which i could not get aroud. I couldnt work out the wiring configuration for the battery telemetry so i left it…it did pair though

Yes I’ve try the first 2 and the second one forward my problem to someone in France… I’ll try to write to the last thanks for the advice

Takuma might have a proprietary communication between ESC and receiver. To ensure remote compatibility, another solution could be to change both the ESC and the remote, eg Raiden 7 Pro (because it’s small) + (Flipskky VX3) … just an example.


I think I have a similar problem on my ESC Jet. I hear the motor sound but the led does not turn on.
Where can I contact the vendor that provided you with a new PCB ? I could not find them in the internet.
Thank you very much


I think I have a similar problem on my ESC Jet. I hear the motor sound but the led does not turn on.
Where can I contact the vendor that provided you with a new PCB ? I could not find them in the internet.
Thank you very much


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Thank you very much. That is very helpful.

Hello everybody

Thank for your help, I finally solved the problems with OWWIDE okwiderepelec@gmail.com .

They are in Hyères in France and they where very helpfull

Good flights everyone:)

What was the fix?

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