Tow Boogie Catamaran w/ double Jetdrive

Hi folks,
i am thinking about a tow boogie as a catamaran with two jet drives. The advantages could be: Smooth running in choppy/wavy conditions, less energie consumption due to less drag, usage of outrunner motors possible, stable/less tendency to capsize, maneuverability, no rotating things below, self rightening, looks cool.

What do you think of that?

I can see some disadvantages, single jet will lie stable/submerged in the water, less chance of ventilation but catamaran dual jets will likely lose thrust in chop or waves. Submerged dual jets have low efficiency so that will not be a solution either.

i think with a catamaran it is less likely to lose thrust as there is less hull surface that can get captured by chop. It cuts through small waves and chop.
Two jets are less efficient than one jet and a jet is less efficient than a propeller, right. But i hope to compenasate this by a more efficient hull design and outrunners.

for the speed it will mostly be driven at, a jetdrive is the worst when it comes to efficency

Jet drive sucks power with incredibly low efficiency.

You will not get smooth running in choppy conditions as the inlets will be in and out of the water unlees you mount them low down which sorta kills the point of a jet drive.

The only advantage will be safety around not having an exposed propellor.

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Hey @Albinoooo ,

It looks like there’s a well explained example on YouTube:

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Thanks, in fakt jets would be not suitable.
If he can steer by the cables i think two motors are not necessary, so i think i will go for one motor between the hulls with a Gong aluminium mast. He seems to use replacement hulls. But i think planning hulls would be better with that speed.

Kinda sounds like you are realizing that the wheel has already been invented with tow boogies. Just model your build on one of the MANY excellent examples already documented here.

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This is my first Design. The main purpose is to go through chop and waves without bouncing and still be efficient. It measures 138cm x 70cm. The hulls are 20cm wide. With 20 kg the hulls are 1/3 submerged at no spped.

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