Tow boogie general design

Great thread! Are the existing dual motor boogies done with motors turning in opposite directions? Does anyone have a propeller stl file for 6368 motors for both turning directions? Thanks!

Thanks! So thats 156+112= 268mm c-c, which probably is on the wider end of optimal range for your board since you experience flipping, but maybe fine on a 60cm board. Keep the numbers coming! :grinning:

I made two boogies based on the Radbug 500 bodyboards - 41.5" and 43.5". The distance between the motor axles is 29 centimeters. The distance from the stern to the center of the motor cable entry is 34 centimeters. Towing point 33 centimeters. Data for 41.5".


Thanks for these precious infos, on the picture the width of your boogies.

I don’t know if we could establish a percentage of motor distance compared to the width of the board because the length is also important.

Hi @kkolli

You achieved such a nice dual motor tow boogie. Congrats :clap: BTW, good idea to add an angle in the pods for better stability

Are you happy with it ?

Would you mind telling us the boogie dims and where you set your pods (on forward ?) on the bottom compared to the tow point please ?

Yes, it’s a contra rotation propeller setup so you have to mirror one propeller during printing. It avoids torque issues when ramping up. You can chose both directions, each one has pro and cons.

It’s a @V_S propeller, you can find several iterations on the forum. Efficient and powerful.


Made some trials yesterday with

195mm distance between motors
300mm distance between back of the propeller and back of the board
520mm distance between back of the propeller and tow point.
Added the stoke fins to see if it makes something better. Why not ? :nerd_face:

Nothing really better by shortening the distance between motors, I lost manoeuvring capabilities when boogie comes back to pick me up (larger circle) and the flipping behaviour is the same when I ride on the sides.

I won’t go further with my actual board and will swap the setup on the huge 48’ boogie.
I tend to say that my actual board has not enough rocker and volume to have a good pivot point, there is too much rail length in the water.

Thx! The motors are placed in the center, the boogie is about 5,2”. I inserted two trackboxes and tried different positions. Behind the center the nose gets pushed out of the water, to much in front causes early cavitation of the props. Angularity of the pods causes major problems while 3d design and isn’t highly recommended I think. Boogie still need some design, but we still improving the technical things first. Runs now for hours without major issues, some leakage in the controlpanel has to fixed at the moment :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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To keep you updated, I finally increased the length of the tow bar and it changes everything. The boogie sails very healthy and I can steer from foil and from Bremote.

I noticed if I foil too much outside the wake, the boogie takes some list, and I can counter balance the list by using the diff steering. Crazy how the board can turn flat and on a dime with diff steering. No flipping at all.


Is this white material PVC & contact adhesive?

It was a type of window flashing tape. I had left over from a shipping container conversion I did.

Almost nothing will stick to a HDPE plastic, but this stuff was incredible.

I’m not sure of the exact type, but similar to this

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Seems there are so many variations possible but this is my plan based on what i could summarise from the different tow threads and the posting here:

  • dual motor differential steering / Bremote
  • My 120x75x15cm plug should be ok as basic dimensions
  • I’ll cut and recess the box all the way to the bottom for low COG
  • Box placement on center width, center length
  • Motor pods 20cm down or more? I have a cut mast so i could go up to 30cm
  • Tow point at waterline with 60cm extension from rear edge
  • motor width c-c 30cm
  • motors on center lengthwise
  • 3-10m towline
  • fins, no fins?

Does this sound about right, anything you would change?

Here is my take on the tow boogie…this works really well and everything is in the right place. Needs some minor tuning but works like a charm…single engine, 7 meter tow rope, 12s14p battery. Dimensions are 130cm by 65cm by 6.4cm, carbon/ glass composite.


Nice looking tow! Is the board diy?

could you share the positions?

  • Motor pod depth
  • Motor distance from rear (inlet position)
  • Box centerpoint distance from rear
  • tow point seems right at the back, no extension? This seems to be what differs the most on the different tow builds

Yes its made from an old EPS blank i had lying about. To answer your questions:

  • Motor pod depth
  • 20 cm from base plate to centre of motor pod.
  • Motor distance from rear (inlet position)
  • Roughly half the distance of the total boad length and behind the nose rocker. I may move this back towards the tail slightly to get the nose up slightly when it planes.
  • Box centerpoint distance from rear.
  • im assuming you mean the track’s???.. these run from centre of the board 50cm toward the tail. These are aluminium T tracks built into a deck tied PVC insert i made. The ESC is about 20 cm from the tail but the idea is that the battery and esc weight is diatrubuted ti counter the weight of the motor whilst ensuring that the board remains at a good planing angle at speed .
  • tow point seems right at the back, no extension?
  • this is a flat plate which is right at the tail…@strongarm advised that a good position for the tow point is about 250cm away from the engine so i used that…i also have a bar which i can add but it doesn’t need it…i use some 5mm dyneena and attach my tow rope to that…steers no problem

Hope that helps

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Is the box located in the center of the board and there are no problems with torque?

@rttn … what box???..the esc, tracks, battery?? not sure what you’re referring to

He means battery :slight_smile:
I’ll sketch a tow and see if it looks OK to all of you. Pics coming!

What box can affect the balance? Of course, I mean the battery.

@rttn…it might be useful if you then state that you mean battery…ffs
Yes its currently centered…no torque issue.