Tow boogie general design

Do you have a video?

I wanted to clarify that I mean a video of the towing process, not a video in general.

This is my first draft, 110x75x15 board. Shape comes from the plug i already have.

I’d appreciate if you could give me some pointers if doesn’t look balanced. I’m a bit concerned that the force vector of the rope cuts the motor axis so far to the front.This is sketched with a 7m rope at 1800mm height and tow bar approx 350 rearwards from propeller.

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@rttn …no…not currently… im busy rid8ng behind it.

If I would shape a hull, I would add real bulbs for and aft like transoceanic kayaks in order to have an anti capsize device, a bit like zerotow but rigid and with a place for the box to be fixed and removed.

But if you ride only the flat, it’s not required.

Beautiful shape by the way, seems balanced from my point of view. Keep a wide tail to avoid the torque effect, @okp can tell you something about that with his first bad design :wink:

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you mean bulbs for self-righting of the boogie if it flips? I can do a stability calc and check what kind of tipping angle is needed to get it from upside down and back.

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Your boogie board dimensions are similar to my plug, seems there is a huge difference to @KONUTZ motor position but his pull point is also more to the front.
Is it correct that the tow point on yours is 33cm from rear of board? And distance motor pod to tow point is then 67 cm? Which motor, as that affects propeller point?

I have no scientific evidence, only practical. With the towing point located closer to the stern, the boogie was difficult to control. I would really like to see how the @KONUTZ boogie is controlled, because I will not believe in the absence of the influence of the torque moment until I see it with my own eyes.

Yes, but i think there are possibly many ways to get the balance of the forces OK, this is why i ask.

I might extend my tow bar to match your length, what do you think?

I’ll say it this way: it’s easier to cut off a long towbar than to extend a short one)

Well I’ll film something when I get some time to do that. As it stands, the board shape works well in flat water and wind chop…waves will be a different thing butbthe i didnt build it for that purpose really… i would say that its width and the low flat battery spread the weight nicely…ill move the engine back an inch to get a little more nose lift but thats about it… more importantly it dies notbhave any tendency to want to flip … its wide and low…this works.

I thought about bulbs, I’ll make it work first, then add a material to the top for self righting. I put some foam back on the model since all cutouts lowers the self righting force.

(Only one motor on pics but there will be two)

If possible, I would like to see a right and left turn.

Look at the Zerotow product…turns the same way and my mounting point is based on what the designer (@Strongarm ) of that product advised… you seem to be rarher skeptical about this for some reason…why dont you try it and see for your self… i dont own a go pro and i dont have time to sort footage out currently.

Do you really think your Boogie is like a Zero Tow? Just because you have the same tow points?? Does it matter that it has a pivot motor, or that the battery is offset specifically to counteract torque? Or that some riders have noted that despite the counteracting measures, torque still affects the board in non-standard modes? Yes, I am skeptical for the reasons stated above, and you could easily destroy my skepticism with a short video, but obviously you won’t.

This is probably one of the most supportive and respectful forums I’ve ever experienced. People patiently sharing and explaining and having fun. Makes it an absolute pleasure to be part of.

In my opinion there is simply no place for the kind of demanding aggression displayed in these posts RTTN.


Okay look, im not bothered about your praise. We arent building space craft here. Ive said what i said and ive used my machine…it works for me…personally, i dont care whether you agree with what ive done or not. I dont respect trolling…so perhaps, we will.leave it there.
I look forward to seeing what you,l come up with but maybe you should worry less about the minutiae of this subject and…build something, go ride and enjoy it.

And my demanding aggression manifests itself in the fact that I asked for a video? Seriously?
“If possible, I would like to see a right turn and a left turn.” - Perhaps this phrase was particularly aggressive and demanding? Explain, and I promise to tone down my aggression.

I dont have a go pro camera…ive said this to you…i also spend alot of time doing this by myself…so no one to film me… so…yes "seriously " .

A couple of years ago I built something in quantity of several pieces according to the scheme one motor, battery in the center and it turned like complete crap. Something like that. Sorry, I couldn’t enjoy it.
You say that your assembly works. I honestly admitted that I don’t really believe it, but I would like to see a video of it in action. Is this a sign of disrespect? Is this trolling? Is this something obscene?
When I ask for a video you tell me go look at a completely different device or go make something of your own - is that polite?

Regarding the lack of Gopro, we have a saying: those who want it, look for opportunities; those who don’t, look for excuses. You take your phone, set it up on the shore, shoot - nothing complicated.

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