TRINITY – HYBRID Folding Propeller

Hi Propeller Lovers!

a lot of people have asked me if I could bring out a 3-bladed successor to FOLD.
So, Here it is: The new standard for every DIY Assist Project!

With the 3 blades it is super smooth running, vibrations are almost no longer noticeable. Thanks to the additional propeller blade, the thrust when accelerating is even greater.

And the best thing is that every Trinity propeller comes with a motor mounting adapter disk, with which this propeller is compatible with the most common outrunner motors for your Assist Project (check compatibility list).

Trinity is in stock now and can be ordered at

(If you don’t have a present for your wife for Christmas yet :grin:)

My Setup:

  • Waterproof Flipsky 6384 Motor β†’ changed the shitty ceramic bearings to stainless steel ones β†’ Motor is butter smooth now and works great
  • VESC 75200, motor current max: 130A , 12S
  • AXIS PNG 1310


Planning to get a trinity prop from you.

Cureently running 6384 120kv generic
11s3p flydragon 150A esc
For foil assist.
F one skate 1050 foil
F one 90l board 90kg rider
Using microhobby 2 blade prop

Is trinity appropriate?

Is web site working. Paypal seems to hang…


Looks like a perfect setup for the Trinity. You should have plenty of power to get on plane :slight_smile: Web site is on, Paypal is working.

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