Ultimate watersports Remote & Receiver

Wow! Keep up the great work. I’m impressed!


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Big job man the remote and now the esc !!your work is awesome for the comunity :smiley: with peter who produce a great motor the best hardware is going to imerge from the forum and not the chinese thinkthank


This may be a bit off topic but I am not sure where else to put it. Here is a drawing of an idea for a foiling catamaran/ trimaran. I also included a link to a spreadsheet that calculates the forces for foiling on the foils given inputs on the boat dimensions, wind and speeds. For the hydrofoil I was considering fully actively controlled foils so that structurally it acts like a tripod. I chose all airfoil shapes so that I could roughly calculate the lift and drag for all the components that could be in the water. I do not know where to look for design considerations for a planning hull, or the pointy shaped pontoons of racing catamarans. If anyone cares to look at the spreadsheet calculations, i’d love to get feedback.
Foiling calculation spreadsheet: Link

It is really interesting to look at the forces on the foils depending on the angle of attack of the sail (wing) and the speed of the boat in the water. For a given wind and some simplified foils it seems that you can get foiling speeds up to ~ 2X the wind when it is coming from 90 degrees, but it seems really hard to get out of the water with much less than 10 mph wind. Perhaps you could stretch things if you gained speed with almost no angle of attack on the foils, and then use momentum to launch out of the water. It seems that the induced drag on the foils dominates just before liftoff and keeps the boat from foiling.
I am now really impressed that people are building boats that can do up to 3X the wind speed.

Are you going to use a kite for propulsion?

No I just hadn’t drawn the Wing.

Just wanted to share with you guys the latest status. I know it is going slow, due to family stuff and doing multiple projects single candidly.
Please excuse the ugly black residue on top surface. I printed the cover part with flexible resin but that freaking resin not rubbery at all and had almost no travel so I had to rip it. I am thinking to print a mold and cast that part in silicon.

To arm/disarm the remote you have to hold left and middle button.
Left button hold for on/off
Write button is Cruise lock
and middle button is Cruise mode
In the video you see two different modes of operation, first manual mode and then cruise mode and locking cruise mode with right button press. Cruise throttle start to increase half way close to sensors and vise versa. at any time you can lock/unlock it with right button or get out of cruise b pressing middle button. Cruise throttle needs fine tuning and I need to add safety logic to not start after Arming until throttle moves to 0%. Also I am working on adding fall detection with IMU chip to the remote and receiver. Receiver also supports fail-safe switch (leash and magnet switch)
I was not able to upload the log file here but below is the snippet of the whole file. Sorry I had to delete coordinates , in case if you are in bay are and need to stop by for great espresso just pm me for the address :grin:

these ==========9681========= numbers are time tags in ms as you can see they are not real time. The reason is nrf52840 is a single core MCU and Bluetooth always has the higher priority over of all the tasks.
I see worst case of 25ms of logging data which I find it it good enough. Thinking of a software to properly show these data and statistics in nice gui with map :heart_eyes:

I need to add some more data field to the log like IMU’s tilt, yaw and roll, remote modes…
Currently I am working on the mechanical design of the body with help of a mechanical engineer friend this is a blocker for the project since I need to have the design to do another pcb spin. Please feel free to commend on any aspect of a project, gui, functions or new features. It will be easy to do changes at this point.
Raw: 0 Percent: 0
Raw:3.916659 Percent:43
Fix:2 FixMode:3 Sat_in_view:12 Sat_in_use:12 Hdop:0.970000 Pdop:1.820000 Vdop:1.540000 MagVar:0.000000
lat:-0.00000 Long:0.00000 Alt:18.500000 Speed:0.413000 GroundCourse:0.000000
Hal1_v:1.747165 Hal1_percent:47.164840 Hal2_v:1.721834 Hal2_percent:19.848690 BtnCrouse:1 BtnPlus:1 BtnMinus:0
Temp:26.700000 FaultCode:FAULT_CODE_NONE,Vbat:31.000000 CurrIn:1.820000 CurrMotor:3.520000, Ah:0.035900 Wh:1.113800 Duty:61.699996 RPM:3763.000000 Tacho:46610 Tacho_abs:60468
Raw: 0 Percent: 0
Raw:3.913611 Percent:42
Fix:2 FixMode:3 Sat_in_view:12 Sat_in_use:12 Hdop:0.970000 Pdop:1.820000 Vdop:1.540000 MagVar:0.000000
lat:-0.00000 Long:0.00000 Alt:18.500000 Speed:0.413000 GroundCourse:0.000000
Hal1_v:1.747303 Hal1_percent:47.303005 Hal2_v:1.722763 Hal2_percent:20.693559 BtnCrouse:1 BtnPlus:1 BtnMinus:0
Temp:26.600000 FaultCode:FAULT_CODE_NONE,Vbat:30.899999 CurrIn:2.340000 CurrMotor:3.620000, Ah:0.036000 Wh:1.114700 Duty:77.500000 RPM:4907.000000 Tacho:46641 Tacho_abs:60499
Raw: 0 Percent: 0
Raw:3.914650 Percent:42
Fix:2 FixMode:3 Sat_in_view:12 Sat_in_use:12 Hdop:0.970000 Pdop:1.820000 Vdop:1.540000 MagVar:0.000000
lat:-0.00000 Long:0.00000 Alt:18.500000 Speed:0.413000 GroundCourse:0.000000
Hal1_v:1.743422 Hal1_percent:43.422264 Hal2_v:1.720276 Hal2_percent:18.433025 BtnCrouse:1 BtnPlus:1 BtnMinus:0
Temp:26.600000 FaultCode:FAULT_CODE_NONE,Vbat:30.899999 CurrIn:2.340000 CurrMotor:3.620000, Ah:0.036000 Wh:1.114700 Duty:77.500000 RPM:4907.000000 Tacho:46641 Tacho_abs:60499
Raw: 0 Percent: 0
Raw:3.913879 Percent:42
Fix:2 FixMode:3 Sat_in_view:12 Sat_in_use:12 Hdop:0.970000 Pdop:1.820000 Vdop:1.540000 MagVar:0.000000
lat:0.00000 Long:0.00000 Alt:18.500000 Speed:0.413000 GroundCourse:0.000000
Hal1_v:1.738210 Hal1_percent:38.210308 Hal2_v:1.715856 Hal2_percent:14.414152 BtnCrouse:1 BtnPlus:1 BtnMinus:0
Temp:26.600000 FaultCode:FAULT_CODE_NONE,Vbat:30.899999 CurrIn:2.340000 CurrMotor:3.620000, Ah:0.036000 Wh:1.114700 Duty:77.500000 RPM:4907.000000 Tacho:46641 Tacho_abs:60499


Great work :+1:
Really like the kill switch on the receiver

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Thats really necessary, imu to detrct fall or tilt limt, radio link or rssi will not act as fast as direct gpio interrupt and that means you lose fingers or not like that french guys that were mentioned in safety thread

Wondering Who is the wefoil?! My ME design contractor came across this job posting in upwork
Let me do it for you :joy:

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i think Vefoil is history,…

In Updates here? Do you had Time?

Wefoil is a fledgling efoil brand from Hawaii and his creator (FS for short) is a forum member. Maybe the reason why Vefoil had to change to Veconcept ?

The enclosure plastic parts design is going very slow! Designing for prototype or proof of concept much simpler than designing for manufacturing and at the same time trying to keep it cheap for low quantity. Water seal, Two shot ejection to bond silicon and abs, makes it very complicated and expensive production process. I have been testing the hardware with @Hiorth brothers remote design with small changes but it is not a good fit for this design! There is no proper space for GPS for example, Or the trigger system is not feasible! there is no reason to have hal sensor outside of the enclosure. Attaches some photos of new design but still needs some serious work. I need to find someone to take over the design and wrap it up


@samisin are you going to sell these remotes or make it as a diy one?

I will make it open when it is ready so everybody can use it. There might be commercial ready to use available for purchase as well.


Just found this after you responded to my other thread. As an engineer myself I really respect this effort. How is progress?

Thanks. I still have no final reliable enclosure design. Have been busy with other stuff and couldn’t spend time to recruit experienced mechanical engineer to finish the job yet

I’m not skilled enough but some people on this forum might be willing to help… you just need to make a call :+1:

The way lift designed their remote was very clever. Use basic shapes that can be easily manufactured/cnc’d. Then add on moulded rubber bits that also float. This means a very fast manufacture time and just a little putting together…

You are so close. I would help with that if I could, but that is not my expertise, unfortunately. I would be more than happy to be an alpha or beta QA tester on land and water, though. Done that many times with all kinds of devices.

If someone on here doesn’t step up maybe one of us could recommend a friend through our various networks to get this thing ready to ship. You really are filling a void by leapfrogging all the current offerings and I am sure there are many who would be willing to pre-order to help fund the first batch.