Im hopeing to reuse my watercooled Flipsky 75200 ( this one ) The new build would not need the watercooling block and would be passively cooled- not sure what the inside of these potted esc’s look like but do you guys think the aluminum bottom is in contact with the esc?
Unless you need the extra space gained by pulling it apart they work just fine NON water cooled. I like the extra aluminum and water protection the water cooled option gives.
I think the water cooled version is just the normal one inside that aluminum casing. The “waterproofing” stuff might leave a bit of a mess when you remove the aluminum casing
@hgurdus yes you can transfer it by ripping everything of. Done it before with a 75350. But the white sealing needs to be cut out with a sharp knive at all edges to get it out the housing. and watch out for the signal cables. If you do it carfully you will get a unwatercooled esc that needs very less space instead. Its the same inside as the not watercooled version you see on the pictures. Flipsky only put this watercooling case around. Good luck.
If you only put this watercooled housed one on a aluminiumblock your cooling effect will be very bad.
Just like Foilguy I use the 75200 watercooled with the water cooling inlet removed I bolted it on top of the mast so the aluminum mast act as a giant heatsink bathing in the water. It doesn’t even get warm even in the warmest days of summer it has never been over 45c. The fact that it’s all sealed and protected from water in that case is a plus for me. I tried to make everything in the battery compartment waterproof so if a bit of water ever gets in I can keep going!
Good to hear, thats my plan exactly- Are you using thermal paste or anything between the esc and mast plate?
I think size should be ok- not that a new esc is super expensive but hey $150 is $150. You’re using a fliteboard, correct? It fits on that adaptor plate?
Yes thermal paste between the adapter plate and ESC and between the ESC and Mast plate. Yes it fits on top of the plate on goes inside the Flite board cavity it’s a tight fit but it fits. I extended the power wire with heat shrink on them. The motor wire stick out inside the compartment.