Vesc help, motor current issue

New member here. i am building e surfboard and i have problems whit my motor.
Currently testing whit makerbase 60100hp no hardware limits, my problem is that motor locks or starts to gog at certain throttle level, if i apply lets say 40% throttle it runs fine at about 80 motor current but if i apply just hair more throttle current spikes to max limit(180a) and when i decrease throttle it starts to run fine so my question is why it spikes so fast?
i have tried current control, duty control,bldc, FOC mode and all do the same.

my motor is big inrunner, no specs for it, could it be the motor or some setting? i would love some help, i have trying to get this working for days.

final build would be using 350a vesc.
i have logs but how can i upload it here?

Vesc is losing the current control, that’s what happens. Did motor identification run smoothly? Might as well upload the identified parameters here to see if they’re reasonable. Which motor and which kV is it?

Motor detection runs smoothly, i have no specs or info for the motor.
kv is about 240
Battery is 2kwh ev batterymodule, 13S

Don’t you know which motor you have? That’s not common. Pics?

You can try changing observer type in the VESC tool and see if it gives a better control as a first step.

it is not any known rc or hobby motor, got it from a lot, maybe a power steering motor.

ill try that observer type.

Tightly wound coils and good copper fill :+1:
It doesn’t look like a high speed motor and with kV 240 i wonder what voltage it was designed for and which voltage you are using?

The laminations are segmented and coils separately wound. I have seen this on servo motors but not on brushless (doesn’t mean they don’t exist, but it’s not cheap)

How thick are the laminations? And how many wires are there?

The issue you descibe is Bad current sensing.
It is an issue of the vesc 60100hp in FOC mode.
Use 84100 instead of possible. Reduce the switching frequency to 5-10khz helps.
See my thread for curves.

I have tried it in bldc mode and it does the same.
Looked your posts an mine is runnin fine in the 65-70 phase amps at max , any increase in throttle
And vesc goes nuts. Not sure if i want to waste anymore time for this motor or esc. Maybe go for sss 56126 motor and flier esc.
Ill try posted setting when i got time to go to the lake.

There is 3 wires coming out from the case if thats what you mean by how many wires.

Already closed the motor, man those magnets are strong. Nearly chopped of my fingers😂

What do you base this on, one test with one motor and one vesc? What i mean is that it needs a few similar issues on different motors and escs to be more certain on root cause

Issue of the 60100hp or it’s Sw implementation, happens with different motors (outrunner 14p, outrunner 12p, inrunner 4p, inrunner 5p), and 4 different hw. I documented the curves, tried to contact the board developper, also seeked advice in the vesc discord, in the end went for the 84100 that has différent current mesurement. We tested them and have a lot of test bench hours AT work on those, for ebike use.

Also documented the thermal performance.

On my own e-foil assist I damaged two 60100hp, but they worked ok with reduced switching frequency and 6384.

how do i change this frequency? in the motor advance tab the is no option for it.

OK, great, thanks, I didn’t see this full info here and I seem to be reading everything :slight_smile:

I had to ask since this means that the 60100hp is a poor VESC. If you have this experience then I think you should make a post describing the issues here with all the background so that people can stop buying it.

I did another test and switching freaquence did little to nothing and observer type improved things but still locks/stops around 90 phase amps.

Time move to abother esc, i am still thinking flipsky 350A, dont know if thats any good?