VESC logs viewer:

Hello And did you see a way for illoger to see on mapps our trip :partying_face:

Ilogger aka wavrx aka infinity logger works now. I made some trip with it and it s ok.

Currently Vesc express logger doesn’t work on my setup ( empty column values, difficulty to set up, wifi ko )
For yet, infinity logger works better - surprisingly for some people here but fact is it s far better than Vesc express (which probably will be capable one day but this day didn’t happen yet)

Proof ilogger here yesterday

Yes its cool the api wav rx is on the web again but after an uptade ,the owner removed the real times trip on map we can’t see the log gradualy along the trip on the map ,this is just the thing i miss , the rest is good for me on this apps ,it’s so sad the owner is not here to help!

@sniper only bug I see on wavrx is Wh/km == Wh/mi. Conversion to metric doesn’t work. Because I use metric need to divide Wh/Mi by 1.852 - that’s all.
I had some exchange with developper and I found the support good for the price you paid the unit. Don’t forget price:

  • Wavrx is 95€ with GPS from seller
  • VESC Express logger with GPS from seller cost me to ship to France 99€ with lower shipping fee (+taxes) => not working for yet forget it
  • Voyager Minnie (have gps) is ~137€

What I find more strange is unit from Trampa (Vesc Express logger) doesn’t work with it’s own firmware ! So Benjamin Vedder had develop a super cool firmware but it’s own logger doesn’t work with it’s own firmware he developped - it leaves me speechless.

Ok curious for me mils/KM conversion working good…they just removed the play button for play the logs in same time of the ride trip…

Conversion mi/km works on dashboard everywhere except for efficiency wh/km

Have you bought the three modules to test them ?
… WaveRX, VESC Express, Voyager Minnie…

Has the developper told you when this bug will be fixed ?

Not a HW issue, software in progress which could (will) work in the next FW release if you tell Benjamin VEDDER :wink:

I bought Wavrx and Vesc Express logger

1/ about Wavrx Yes he said me it will be fix. But again, this is a minor bug - you could use the device and make Wh/mi / 1.852 = wh/km

2/ About VESC Express logger: software is in progress I know but you can’t use it - you haven’t got the main info you need. hdop of gps is really bad (must be <1m and more >2m with provided GPS - I come from Drone area and know this very well) . Current is empty … Series was with zero and then empty. Impossible to have wifi working in station mode or Access point. Honestly, as a developper I can tell this is not a “work in progress” - this is more “work need to be started” it’s what we call as developper ‘alpha stage’ :upside_down_face:

As soon as it will be working, I will more than happy to post positive review if it’s works. But for now, wavrx is far far better and have a sharable dashboard.

And because I have the 2 loggers (wavrx and VESC Express logger) connected, I can do a fair comparison.

3/ About Minnie Again I find this very expensive but probably it’s works - I haven’t bought it yet. SO cant’ tell.

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