Was hoping for some help here. I just got a flipsky 75200 VESC and I was learning how to program it using the following video recommended on the site.
When I get to controller settings and attempt to progam via PPM I get nothing in the setup. Controller throttle doesn’t show when pulling the trigger.
The controller is a Flipsky VX3 remote
However when I try the nunchuck option it works, and the motor spins. It’s hard to tell if it’s working as it just goes to full throttle since I have no load on it. Any tips on if this nunchuck option is the way to go and what settings I should choose for it? Or did I do something wrong so it’s not working for PPM?
I hooked it up using the UART connector as I’m hoping to get battery life on the controller.
Within VESC Tools, under App Settings > General, make sure APP to Use is set to UART.
Now go to App Settings > VESC Remote. Set the Control type to what you would like to use (I have it set to Current)
Press the arrow down A (A) to write the settings to the VESC.
Thanks! Is there any way to set the power settings for UART or you just use it? I saw PPM had a whole setup process where you could configure the trigger set the 0% to 100%.
We only have UART connected and no other connectors are needed (even the extra blue wire to the battery is not needed!) to see all needed data on the remote.
Power settings are not needed as far as I know, but you could play with the Input deadband a bit for some tweaking
I use this same setup, VX3 and Flipsky 75200 on UART. I didn’t do any power settings or throttle configuration in VESCTool like seen with PPM in the video above. I do however use the power mode button on the VX3. That second button on the side of the remote cycles between L->M->H which are the 3 power modes. I think it just limits the max current/power that you get from a full trigger squeeze, no fine adjustment of the power ramp or anything. I think it always starts up in L and then I switch it to M. I found H makes it a bit too sensitive.