VESC Tool thread - how to program

hi, I had the same settings as a bit above - a post from KIAN, from Oct.20. How to put a screenshot there. But the first video did not suit me for this setting. I made a newer firmware, then changed the motor setting from BLDC to FOC and set the Duty Cycle mode when calibrating the controller. (I had PID NO Reverse set before)

just these three changes: firmware, FOC and Duty cycle

Was never able to resolve. I believe it’s a resistor issue and it limits out under load. Mine was potted with the water cooled enclosure so would be a pain to take apart. I ended up using the makerx-tech Hi300 instead and it works like a charm with the 65161 on large inrunner.

A bit off topic; Thanks, I just ordered the Makerx too. The dispute with Banggood is going nowhere, really disappointing. They delivered a faulty product, they must know it, and don’t do nothing about it. I will open up the silicone to check the resistors.

On topic; To use the USB cable on the 75200 Flipsky I had to turn off the connected Maytech remote, remove my Logitech receiver from my Laptop and set the port to “COM1”. Unpower ESC, open Vesc tool, power the ESC, then connect USB cable, and auto connect.

I have a little problem, I installed a vesc 75/200 with an 80100 motor and a flipsky vx3 remote control and configured with VSTOOLS from my cell phone.
my engine is running well but not fast enough to get up on the water, at about 15% of acceleration I am at maximum speed, can someone help me

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Have you set max battery and motor amps? For a 63100 I set it to 100A (battery) and 150A (motor). For a 80100 you can probably go slighty higher. I run it in FOC with current control no reverse. Better use vesc tool on a pc for initial configuration, start with motor wizzard, then input wizzard.

after reconfiguring my VESC, still the same problem, I have my motor which does not turn fast enough, 150w and 2A on my VX3 control, we reach the maximum speed at 15% of the trigger then constant speed up to 100% , if a connoisseur can help me
here are the parameters of the VESC TOOL
here are the parameters of the VESC TOOL

here are the VESC TOOL parameters
![Capture d’écran (3)|690x388] ! !

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Screen shot of : app setting , general uart

Run real time logging : on the right RT and RT app to check if the vesc sees the 100% like the remote

here is

it’s more like that

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Everything seems ok , maybe try : raw throttle … duty not current control …

Test in this air I suppose (?)

32000 erpm / 7 pairs pole / .95 duty / 53v = 90kv ?
Looks like your motor is a 90-100kv

Try default value on rpm max

Try to display erpm data on remonte and do the same in the water holding the board in front of you if you can

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It’ s the first time I use a vesc. I have a maytech MTSVESC7.5H 300A 400A 85V.
Do you know which firmware I need to choose to upgrade correctly my vesc ?
Thanks to your help.

Hello All,

I have had this thread bookmarked for months and finally am testing the Flipsky VX3 remote with the FSESC 75200. I followed the initial setup first posted with motor type BLDC and have success using the tools experiments mode. My problem is similar to others that the remote only operates at a duty of 0.00% or ~43%. Before I post any pictures of my configuration, has anyone solved this problem previously?

I look forward to contributing to this forum and really appreciate @HighAltitude for creating this thread.

Hello, I have the same symptoms as @philippe . My configuration is Flipsky 120 kv / 12s12p / VESC RAIDEN 7 / remote control Flipsky VX3.
The acceleration on the dyno is not progressive, I go to 100% acceleration only when the trigger is pulled at 10%… have you been able to solve this problem?
Or is it just from working on the dyno?

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If your are in current control mode, you’ll max out duty cycle before current can go to the commanded amount if you are running in the air. For a test set motor current to 5 amp and try again.


Indeed by setting the motor curent max at 5A I have a progressive acceleration with a peak at 15000 rpm.

Being more comfortable with carbon fiber than programming :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: what exactly does that mean! The fact that at 5 A the acceleration is progressive but not at 130 A …

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It means the vesc keeps a constant current between 0 to max current. This works in the water where the current gets up because of the load. In the air without load, the current only gets to 3 or so amps, therefore it’s running full speed with only 10% of the trigger pulled. Switch over to duty cycle for bench tests and use current control on the water. I prefer current control as current is proportional to thrust, so you regulate thrust instead of rpm.


Thank you for this very clear explanation

Here are the parameters I entered in the RAIDEN 7 (Continuous current 140 A , Boost 250 A ), can you tell me if this is consistent or not.
As a reminder: 12s12p ( Sony VTC6 3000 mah), 55161 Flipsky.

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Your setup works, have you tried it in the water? Because for my part, with the same engine, vesc75 / 200 and vx3 remote control, it works perfectly in the air, but as soon as I am in the water my engine cuts out at around 15 A then restarts but I cannot mount the engine in the towers, I don’t understand

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Sorry, I have been working on this same exact problem for 2 days. I hate to ask, but what is the actual solution to 's first video? They just say “So I changed the settings and did the firmware and it’s OK.” But I have changed a crapload of settings over the past 2 days without any resolution to my identical issue.

What “settings” were changed to resolve this irraddic motor movement at <50% throttle followed by one fast speed at >50% throttle? I can post a video but it tis the same as’s 3 minute video.

Thanks for taking the time to resolve my major problem.