VESC vs ESC: pro&cons for efoil

Yes i try to connect to the right device :slight_smile:
100% sure
and yes it is called VESC xx:xxxxxxx

Also the red led on the vesc starts to flash, but the i get the error meassage the i should check the firmeware (or somthing like this, i dont have it in mind right now).

Well, there are two error messages about the firmware with completely different meanings:

  • not readable => either wrong device or massively fucked up
  • not same version => you got to update either app or ESC

this are the versions

This is the error code.

I already contacted the seller, and he is in contact with trampa.

But i seems there is something really wrong or there are problems with firmeware versions.

But i tried with the old one and now with the actual one.

please make a screenshot.
3.62 is the latest FW, but there should be a long hardware description

No. I asked them that. They say it’s 60v. But, if you look at description it says 12s. They told me maybe you could get buy 13s. But it will not handle 14s.

Then they said “but don’t worry. We are working on 14s VESC”


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So it clearly shows HW: 75_300 => V1

But the code says:
#ifdef HW75_300_REV_2
// Permanent UART Peripheral (for NRF51)
#define HW_UART_P_BAUD 115200
#define HW_UART_P_DEV SD4
#define HW_UART_P_TX_PIN 10
#define HW_UART_P_RX_PIN 11

So not sure what BLE you have. Maybe you first have to enable it.
@Alexandre maybe you share your app settings?
Could be possible that you have to have UART enabled at V1

Haha and I asked and got told ‘no problem’ !

@Foxyirish1987 Well my guess is they’ve now had too many fry on 14s

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I got exactly same issue. Trampa said they could not fix it easily so they arranged an external ble…
I suspect either deffective production batch or firmware issue

Thank for the info.
I will try to exchange the vesc with HW Version 2.
If the seller dont want to that i will send the vesc back and order it from another shop with the comment HW Version 2.

Thanks for the help

I get the same error as you do! Is there a work around it?

Not at the Moment
But i am in contact with the reseller and Trampa.
We will so what the outcome is, but I think I need to send it back.
You can connect via USB and check under the connection settings, bluetooth if it somehow is already paired to a device.
And make screenshots, because you need them for the requests with trampa.

You can also try if the bluetooth connection works via linux system.

I see! What’s the best way to reach them (trampa)?

Were you able to connect the VESC with an USB cable? My computer doesn’t react when I plug it in and I can’t connect it to the vesc tool app.

However, I do see the Bluetooth on the app but it won’t connect because of a firmware issue (shown above). So, I can’t connect the VESC to any vesc tool app (windows or Android). There is something wrong with it right?

Try with another USB cable and select the right USB port in Vesc tools

Yeah change USB cable… Had same issue… Need a high quality cable…

I tried another one! Nothing… It works with my phone but when I connect the VESC… Nothing!