Waydoo Battery Safety Concerns

Can be the cause creating the short in the BMS. For the rust on the cell iron skirts, flame is an oxidizer and produces rust with air humidity. What we can see is that it’s been really hot (standard for a Liion fire) causing most of this oxidation.

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Like telling after a plane crash, it must have been the engines…
I think every battery (or car fire) looks like this in the aftermath. Lithium oxidizer or cooling water is more then enough to show some browning.


Go nothing to do with the oxidation on the cells.

Its the blue/green corrosion in the copper cable and on some of the nickel that is the giveaway. Take into account there have been quite a few other Waydoo batteries with water ingress and it becomes fairly obvious.

Thank you. What a mess huh?

Hey WayDoo? What´s going on???

I just wonder why you try to contact them here in this DIY chat instead of contacting them directly to their official contact on www.waydootech.com ?

There is an active forum on facebook. Waydoo efoil flyers Redirecting...
You have to join to post, but not to veiw

Sad situation. All of the disappointed customers who posted on the above FB page of got a replacement. If it doesn’t work, you could also post on https://forum.e-surfer.com/

@arnoz where are you from? Did you inform your dealer where you bought it? How can he not respond? Can`t believe that :roll_eyes:

Goodnight all,
Sorry for my late return.
I’m not trying to blame anyone…
I just want to share my problem in this post because I think this important problem…
I contacted Waydoo several times, no return…
They received the photos and serial numbers, with the explanations of the incident, no return.
I just want to inform riders of this danger. and would also like to have feedback from Waydoo on this problem… know if it is known? solved? if this battery would have or had a factory recall? because I strongly think that it is an infiltration of sea water, and a lack of security inside this battery as well as an intensive use (we practice in the Caribbean with a sea and a very hot sun…

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I just contacted them with facebook, I had a direct return! they found my email…
and I interact with them. I hope to have all the explanations for what happened :pray:

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