When will the Flipsky VX3 be released?

Yes, but I was looking for crimp connectors ( without wire ).

The VX3 is a piece of junk. Not actually waterproof. The remote started to fail after only 5 sessions (would randomly go into pairing mode) and then completely failed after the 6th. Can anyone recommend a remote that will last and has a receiver that works with a stardard ESC (not VESC)? Or has somehow found a way to properly waterproof either the VX3 or the Maytech remotes so they are reliable?

I used my VX3 the full last season. Also in saltwater, still working….

Good to know - did you do anything to help the waterproofing? I ended up tearing mine apart and found water between the rubberized shell and the buttons on the handle. I’ve ordered a replacement so hopefully better luck with this one.

I did nothing.
Yesterday after the winterbrake, I used the VX3 again successfully.

Yes, I did (remote v1.5), works good (despite the ugly pins at the ESC connector). :wink: