Wing tip issue on Solidworks

Guys I am trying to design wing with surface tools, but I got to small tip and I think it is not possible to make mold out of it. I tought checking min rad of curvature, it is 4.35e-9 that gives idea about is it realistic to manufacture. I need advise about desing of wing and tip for easy to manufacture.

Thank you

A fillet on the edge of .05mm should reduce this issue. Not sure if this is the correct way to do it but is the real world equivalent of running some sand paper over the edge.

Edit: I don’t think the fillet will work with being a surface not a solid body, but if you convert to solid body then a fillet should work.

I tried it but fillet didn’t work, could not find the reason.
Thank you Strongarm

3d-wise is one thing. You can cut the tip off with a small offset plane, then fillet if you want. Or you can make the guide curve just slightly shorter to avoid the sharp tip on the end. Surface modelling takes some time to get used to and get right.

Some numerical CAD issues like this won’t show in a cnc, it does a toolpath calculation that is sort of like a slicer.

Production wise is another. You’d want to discuss these things with the mold maker and the producer of the parts and have a strategy for the molding, if it’s composites or injection molding.

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Thank you man, I will try it. I just splitted splines with 2 different 3D skecth and made a third spline that has same curvature with both splines. No more hard edge, but now I have problem with surface continuity when I check with zebra strips. Now will work on that.

Another way to create a wing is using Gives you a bit less detailed control over the shape but it is easier to design and tweak. You can create a split mould from the design with this online tool. I used it to create some backwings. The wings and moulds can be exported as obj file and imported into fusion360.
To reduce the material used for the moulds, you can copy and offset the moulds for 5 to 10mm in z plane and cut the object with the copy. Then cut around the wing shape with 10 to 15mm distance.
For a backwing, a 5mm thick mould with 10 to 15% infill in pla+ is sufficiant. For a bigger wing, I’d make it 10mm.
Hydrofoil rear wing 220cm2 mould by dfi - Thingiverse


Thank you man, I tried that website but whenever I downloaded step file, the surface was not as good as websites shows, then I decided to design my own. maybe need to play more on those parameters, not sure the reason.

Also thank you for sharing your experience, appreciate it. I will keep in mind this info.

I have done another thing on wing, maybe this may help someone else, not solved fully, but this approach may help.
Just made two saparate surfaces than combined it with 2 different 3D converted splines. Here are the pictures. If I succeed proper surface quality, will share here.

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What wingprofile are you using? This looks like a S shaped only wing.

This is going to be front wing. When you say wingprofile, section profile?

Yes. Section. What are you using?

It was NACA 23015 airfoil.