75200 VESC settings with 6384 motor help/advice

Hi Guys. Just got a first test run on my new setup! I’m going to make a separate post about the build. For this build I chose to use the Flipsky 75200 VESC paired with the Flipsky 6384 waterproof motor and a 12s3p battery that can pull 135amps.

First run was a success I was able to get on foil (just barely) with my 1800cm foil. I followed the VESC guides suggested and tried to estimate my motor current max/absolute max and battery current max (see screenshots below). I thought these values are pretty solid given the 6384 motor? The power just felt so much less than my My Flycolor ESC with the 6384 motor build. Also when the propeller came out of the water it spun up waaaay to fast I think that would just be limiting motor RPM’s right?

Hoping I can get some help to get me more power for that initial push to get up on foil.

Here is a log from the ride

Here are the screenshot of my setup parameters. Do I need to upgrade the firmware? I was hesitant as flipsky’s website said not to do this.

This is my full motor config

Let me know your thoughts. Flipsky says 88 amps max for the 6384 but maybe I should raise this?
Appreciate the help.

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I have the flipsky75200 also and use…

Motor current max 200A

Absolutely max current 300A

Battery current max 200A

But…the power cuts out at 1/2throttle…it still has good power but only slightly more than the flipsky 75 100 esc because of the cutting off

Does anybody know about these settings? Good/bad/ugly ?

If it’s abruptly stopping under load it is most probably a current spike. Turn on slow_abs_current which will filter the spikes.


As @Strongarm suggest. slow_abs_current TRUE will fix it.
It’s in your 2nd image

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What motor are you using for those settings 300amps seems like a lot? I’ve got the 6384 and don’t want to overpower it. I’m not sure mine is cutting out but I will try to adjust settings and report back.

Also any thoughts on limiting rpms? Mine is a foil assist so when the prop comes out with no resistance it spins too fast

Thanks guy’s!..will try it​:grin::grin::grin:

Im using the cheapo 6384 fom amazon

Replaced the bearings with ceramic…pulled out and threw away the hall sensor…and replaced the phase wires with 10 AWG copper from Home depot

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I updated my
Motor Current Max to 120amps
Absolute Maximum Current to 200amps
Battery Current Max to 130amps

Things went much better, no problem getting on foil on my 1800cm foil. I have 10 guage wire run to the motor like SteamRoller does.

Any idea why I need to go so much over the 88 amps which is supposedly max for the flipsky 6384? I’m still not at as much power as my Flycolor 160amp puts out so I’m thinking I might bump it up some more.

I still haven’t toggled the Slow ABS Current Limit to True as I get a warning message that says make sure you know what you’re doing so I decided to try the new settings leaving that set to false.

I think I did have the motor cut out on my when I put it at 100% power but only one time. The rest of the time it went fine.

So I was wondering about that. Might adjust more settings tomorrow

What kind of prop are you using with that? Did you end up cutting the shaft off or you have a prop that fits. It looks like an interesting motor.

My flipsky 6384 only cost $105 on sale, but it takes like a month to ship from China.

Oh ok i just saw you are using the Flipsky 6384 motor…

Yes i did have to cut the motor shaft to fit the motor mount

I have been using a prop 3d printed from @hangloose and a few other props from posters here too

But the best prop ive found so far for the 6384 motor is the FoilDrive 3 blade metal prop…

With the Flipsky75100 VESC and the6384 motor it pulls 63 lbs…exactly as advertised with their new HP motors but 700$ cheaper​:money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:


Steamroller did you try the updated setting for Slow ABS Current Limit set to true?
I bumped up the max motor amps and battery amps and I am going to test tomorrow just wanted to check your results.

I did not try out the new settings yet… instead I went to Hawaii for a week with my faux Drive… just got back the other couple days ago will try soon and leave results…

How did your test go?

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I tried it out but still don’t have power like my 160amp flycolor ESC. It has more power than it did but not substantial. Also when the battery is about 50% it loses a lot more power so I can hardly foil. I’ve been back riding my 160amp flycolor setup for the moment but hoping to figure it out. The flipsky is meant for e-foils so I thought it would really have a lot more power. I’m at 200amps to the motor and 300amps max I would think that would be more than enough? Let me know if you get better results.

How do you measure the pull?
Are you using 75100 or 75200?
Does vesc give any efficiency advantage over esc?

I mounted the 6384 motor with foildrive 3 blade prop and flipsky 75 100 VESC controller to the bottom of a 8’ wavestorm board and tied a rope to the tail and connected the other end to a hand scale the kind used for weighing your luggage for an airplane trip…and hit the gas!..VESC is good for tuning and changing settings…its the only software ive used so incant compare to anything else

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Nooooope…tried the… slo ABS current limit…TRUE

still didn’t work…cuts out at 55% throttle…

Had to back down the Motor Current Max to 100-110A to get it to stop cutting out…

At this point its no better than a 75100ESC…

Looking for a other ideas and options now.

Dang I was hoping you had better luck that I did. I think we need to go back into the settings. My gut feeling is that we are missing a parameter somewhere which is limiting power to the motor. My VESC never even gets hot when I’m at full throttle so I know it’s not working very hard. If this VESC is capable of even half their rated output 150amps it should match the power of my Flycolor 160amp ESC (which it doesn’t).

We should compare how the motor is configured and things like how many poles are used. The 6384 motor has 14 poles, I have mine set to that but may want to check that.

What is your setup on this screen? I feel like if these settings are wrong it will limit motor power.