Battery Supply - Copy vs Real

Hi, i am building my first battery pack and struggling to decipher on the Alibaba / Aliexpress sites which batteries are genuine and which seem to be copies. Any tips on reliable suppliers for molicell or samsung and how to tell the difference between copies without buying and testing samples would be greatly appreciated. There seem to be a number of ones with Samsung printed on them but seem a bit suss. i.e, I am located in Australia so if any locals have good Australian sources would appreciate that too .

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Unfortunately, the warning has been the same since the creation of this forum: don’t try to save money, buy quality ones. Can’t comment on reputable cell sources in Australia though. @rogjalon, @kevintran ?

'Molicel P42A battery build for a tow boogie - #4 by sat_be
'Maytech Efoil-Kit - Advice for a newcomer please :) - #23 by rogjalon is a local supplier
Build From Melbourne Australia

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How many cells do you need? Tinker tech has 40T cells, and vapetraders have to p42a. Both around the $10 a cell those th!

Where in aus are you?

Hi, Building a 12s4p so 48 cells, I am based in Brisbane

thank you for the links will check those out .