BREmote - Future Development Topic

So do you have any recommendations to improve? Or just the negative feedback?

The BREmote has the locking-feature, which is intended to prevent accidents like that


Well technically negative feedback can be seen similarly to recommendations for improvements if they are valid points.

I’m not sure on the size of the handle, but it might be too small for those with large hands. If the front of the remote was slightly longer would that make the trigger less exposed?

If I one day get enough time, I’ll try redesign some stuff for the remote. I’m also interested in trying colour display on it.

If the person actually explained what he dislikes yes. Just a “I don’t like” does not help me much :smiley:

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That for example is a very nice idea I can improve and work on

The experience, skills and knowledge required to design and offer a oss product like bremote is likely unknown to most people so demanding a respectful and constructive tone in feedback is a small ask. Tons of oss software has died due to this problem. Thank you ludwig, I’m a big fan!


Was thinking, might also be nice to have an IMU on the Rx. If you are looking towards some sort of follow feature, it might be really useful to have heading to use in your control loop. You can get that through GPS, but it would be a much higher latency signal. Could also use it to know if the boogie is flipped, to turn off the motors.

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If you want an ergonomic grip, check out modern pistol grips. Their manufacturers understand much more about ergonomics than the developers of remote controls.
Regarding safety. I believe that the vast majority of remotes on the market are unsafe. Why do almost all pistols have a trigger guard? Because it’s a high-risk item and when I take my finger off the trigger, I want to make sure it’s protected from outside influences. A gun can kill you, and careless handling of the remote control can result in a severed finger. So why should different safety criteria be applied to remote controls? How can your electronic lock prevent the following situation - I jump or fall off the board, take my finger off the trigger and accidentally hit the board ? For me, the answer is obvious - no way.
If for some reason you don’t like criticism and prefer praise to them, just tell me and I’ll stop writing in this thread.

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I substantively substantiated why I was not satisfied with the ergonomics, moreover, I backed it up with pictures. Here’s another one. If you want to hold the handle in this way, then it should have stops for the middle finger and for the fork between the thumb and forefinger.
And I absolutely agree with Jezza. Safety and ergonomics are things that could become your competitive advantage and I don’t really understand such a painful reaction.

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Ahh, thats why you did the BREmote in pistol optic haha. Well I think the power tools guys also know a bit about ergonomic handles. However both in my opinion are made for high grip force, and force transmission, while a remote not recessarily needs to be gripped as tight as a 9mm or cordless impact driver…

There is a possibility to implement a fall-off detection with gyro, just one of the ideas I had to prevent something like that, but nothing that I put to reality or tested yet.

I made this topic for getting as many ideas as possible on board the development of the remote as early as possible. Both positive as well as negative points.
The image you sent now is a good point for me to understand what I can try, so thank you for that!

Don’t underestimate the importance of ergonomics. I can give an example: I can easily withstand a four-hour training session with a heavy pistol, and after half an hour I will be very tired if instead of a pistol I am holding a seventy-gram remote control in my hands, which, due to its poor ergonomics, will force my wrists to be in an unnaturally tense position.
Regarding the use of a gyroscope, not all dangerous situations can be associated with gravitational acceleration. It can also be a movement of the hand in a horizontal direction. Why come up with complex schemes when there is a simple solution that always works - a trigger guard.

Yes, I had that with some of the remotes as well after a few hours. With the V1 Toto version however I never felt tired after long rides, so that’s why the design followed this shape too

I will elongate the front of the remote and make space for a trigger guard - probably removable or optional though, as it will take the most impacts and in winter may be removed or enlarged to fit the big neoprene gloves.


I can explain why you didn’t get tired - because you were holding the lower part of the handle. But 99 percent of the people I know, half of whom drill and the other half shoot, will want to grab the handle as high as possible and will find that it is very uncomfortable. That’s why I wrote that finger rests are needed to position the hand on the handle.
Having a removable trigger guard is a very good solution. I’d buy a Bremote for that alone.

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Ludwig, how do the new pcba´s look like. Maybe I start thinking too of a new handle design.
Do you have 3d of them maybe?

There are no PCBs created yet, that’s one of the next steps
The Display-PCB, containing the Hall Sensor for Toggle, Display and Antenna is ordered as a prototype, this kind of defines the shape of the “Top” part.
But the handle is free for any modifications as long as it has some room inside and mates to the top part

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ok, so do you have any dimensional info on the display pcb with the pos of the hall sensors?

Yes, will share tonight

Thats how that part looks like
The PCB gets slid into the housing from the front, then pushed up, so enough space for the connector needs to remain
Also the hall sensor on the end of the PCB needs to be in the middle of the Toggles magnets, about 4mm above


Both Toggle as well as Trigger magnet positions are tested and work quite well already, so changes only outside that area would be nice


Thought a little more about the benefits of having a GPS on both Rx and Tx. A pretty nice feature might be a “stay here” mode, where it would hold its rough position. This would be super useful for me, sometimes there is wind out in the middle of the lake, but not near shore. I would love to be towed out, leave my boogie in once place, wing around for awhile, and then come back to get towed into shore. If the boogie could hold position it wouldn’t be blown down wind.


Hi everybody
Short update on the mechanical design and overall status

Frankenstein is with the first beta tester, he made some minor tweaks to the design but overall likes it.
Other people have printed it as well and most like the shape as is. Some would like the toggle on the side (like V1)
I have also made a 2nd handle design I quite like, including the recommendations from the previous discussions.

Overall this brought me to the following decision:

The BREmote V2 will have a modular handle design. This means there will be a generic “tube” that custom designed grips can be mounted over.
The toggle will also be available in multiple versions, side and middle mounted.

I will show some images on this soon.


Im very excited by thiese iterations !!