eFoil Build, some questions / where to order from?

Hello everyone,

after reading for hours the last few days…
I still have a few questions to which I have not found the right answer despite searching.

The plan:

  • 65161 120kV
  • 75200 84V 200A Water cooled
  • VX3 ? or VX3 Pro? What exactly is the difference between the two? According to the Flipsky site the display is bigger and the BT module is already integrated in the set. Or am I misunderstanding something? Is there a reason not to use the VX3 Pro? (except the price?)
  • North Seek Air 5’9 Board + North Sonar 1650 Foil ( both used, but the price is very good ) Is this suitable for my body weight of 75-80kg? Or is the board to big?
  • Battery: Perfect low cost lithium ion commercial battery for efoil or foil drive assist : LIDL Parkside X20V 8AH , but with Makita batteries. until I have made myself a real battery
  • 3D printed Parts: ABS-CF

And one last question, where is the best place to order? I compared Flipsky direct and Aliexpress. Aliexpress is a bit cheaper because the shipping costs are combined differently and even though I have the VX3 Pro in my shopping basket. The only question is how the customs will react as the shipping is to Germany.

Is there anything else I need to consider?