Efoil V3 - STL files for Gong foil and Flipsky motor 12mm - Parts list - Schematics

looks like a relay? 2020202020 char

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Yes it’s a relay. it’s my safety system. this relay cut the power when the rider fall.
there is a old post on the forum, where I explain for my 1st e-foil the system.
I don’t remember exacly where

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Thanks, I found it :slight_smile:

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what is the maximum speed you can reach with your board ??

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Just to short questions I would love to get a reply for !

  1. what is the maximum speed you can reach with your board ?

  2. How many volts has your battery ?

did you not have any esc damage by cutting the power under load?

Love your setup. Great!

New ride yesterday with the new prop, lower speed
46 minutes, 18A without duct. There was 25% battery left.


did you not have any esc damage by cutting the power under load?

=> no damage to my 3 Efoil and I have the same safety system

Just to short questions I would love to get a reply for !

  1. what is the maximum speed you can reach with your board ?
    => this E-foil is not build for the speed due to a big wing, it’s build for the cruising at lower speed
    and ride a maximum time

  2. How many volts has your battery ?
    => 12S (50V) 22AH

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new prop diam 132mm old 125mm

picture after sanding and painting

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Thank you, your latest post has helped me a lot and I think it is very cool how long your efoil drives with one battery charge.

That’s fine but I still want to know how fast you can be.
And do you think I could foil with a GONG WINGFOIL ALLVATOR VELOCE M when I use the same flipsky motor like you (I am 70kg)

Here my parts list E-foil V3


A very useful part list file that will help many beginners. A simple and safe implementation for 1500eur
At first, I didn’t understand why you had used such a long waterproof alu box (25 cm). Then I looked at the pict in post no 8. Then I understood it was to occupy a separate waterproof volume. This ESC box is really packed and I couldn’t help wondering if you had tried the natural forced flow without pump, with just the cone water inlet.


No I haven’t tried the natural forced flow without pump, I don’t know if it can work

E-Foil Monteynard


Salut Jean-François,

Je suppose que je peux Ă©crire directement en français vu l’endroit oĂč tu navigues ^^ Je crois que nous ne devons pas ĂȘtre trĂšs Ă©loignĂ©? (je suis sur Annecy :smiley: ).

Avant hier, j’ai vu pour la 1Ăšre fois ce genre d’engin naviguer sur le lac. IntriguĂ©, j’ai cherchĂ© et suis rapidement tombĂ© cette communautĂ© qui semble bien active.
Depuis prĂšsque 2j je scrute donc ce forum Ă  la recherche d’infos, prĂȘt Ă  me lancer aussi dans l’aventure efoil.

D’ailleurs vraiment reconnaissant pour les infos partagĂ©s ici, ça fait gagner beaucoup de temps et merci pour la liste d’achat!. Des produits sont dĂ©jĂ  dans mon panier banggood :slight_smile:.

Voilà pas mal de taf et questions à venir

S’il y’a possibilitĂ© un jour de voir en vrai ce que ça donne, sur monteynard ou annecy, ce serait top!

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Salut Etienne,
I’m from Grenoble, in fact I mainly do kitefoil, E-Foil it’s just to wait for the wind and for my children, so I’m mainly in Monteynard because it’s windy every day.
Sometimes I go to the lake Bourget when there is weather wind with E-foil in case the wind does not come in, but I never go to Annecy.
For the E-foil in Annecy, I was told that it was forbidden???
so find out before you start your construction, if this information is true
A+ sur un lac de notre région

Ok thanks for your answer. I don’t know if Annecy allows it or not, I’ll have to check.
As I said I saw someone a few days back with an efoil and yesterday 2 kitefoil at least were on the lake.
On my side I started kitesurf a few years ago and then bought my own equipment.
Unfortunately I’m not at ease with it. After a small misadventure this summer trying my kite on a field, I decided I would sell the kite which is too dangerous for my level (I’m beginner).

Now I’m thinking switching to efoil or simply navigate with something motorized (surfboard, whatever 
) just to go in the middle of the lake :slight_smile:

 before eventually going back to kitesurf with adequate equipment.

BTW I’ll follow your advice and check for annecy if this is ok otherwise “Lac du Bourget” and “Monteynard” may be good options even if last one is a bit far (1h30 by road).

Thanks again for all tips.
(PS: Sorry if this was a bit off topic, I’ll preferably contact through PM.)

EDIT: after verification with a link sent by @sat_be it is currently temporarily allowed (http://www.haute-savoie.gouv.fr/content/download/32216/191159/file/ARP_experimentation_planches_motorisees.pdf)

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