ESC Flycolor X Cross HV3 settings on BlHeli 32

Telemetry Test of the Xcross BLHeli32 160A


  • Voltage and temperature readings are quite accurate.
  • RPM measurements seem reliable, at least at lower RPMs. As I understand it, this RPM represents the actual motor speed measured by the ESC using back EMF.
  • Current readings only appeared above 3A, and the multiplier varied, making the readings unreliable.
  • Current consumption remained at zero throughout the test.


Connection: Connect the ESC TX pin to the UART RX pin of a microcontroller.

To increase the current, the motor was mounted on a mast, and pressure was applied using a cloth.

KISS esc protocol

Micropython code for esp32-c3 supermini board:

from machine import Pin, reset, ADC,UART
import machine
import time
import network
import socket
import _thread
import json
import struct

led = Pin(8, Pin.OUT)
is_blinking = True

def led_turn_on():

def led_turn_off():

import time

uart = UART(115200, bits=8, parity=None, stop=1, rx=20, tx=21)

def update_crc8(crc, crc_seed):
    crc_u = crc ^ crc_seed
    for i in range(8):
        crc_u = (0x7 ^ (crc_u << 1)) if (crc_u & 0x80) else (crc_u << 1)
    return crc_u & 0xFF

def get_crc8(buf, buflen):
    crc = 0
    for i in range(buflen):
        crc = update_crc8(buf[i], crc)
    return crc

def parse_kiss_telemetry(data):
    if data and len(data) >= 10:
            # Verify CRC
            received_crc = data[9]
            calculated_crc = get_crc8(data[:9], 9)
            if received_crc != calculated_crc:
                print(f"CRC mismatch: received {received_crc}, calculated {calculated_crc}")
                return None

            temperature = data[0]  # °C
            voltage = (data[1] << 8 | data[2]) / 100.0  # Volts
            current = (data[3] << 8 | data[4]) / 100.0  # Amps
            consumption = (data[5] << 8 | data[6])  # mAh
            erpm = (data[7] << 8 | data[8]) * 100   # Electrical RPM

            rpm = erpm // (12//2)  # For a 12-pole motor

            return f"V:{voltage:06.2f} I:{current:06.1f} RPM:{rpm:06d} CON:{consumption:06d} T:{temperature:03d}C"
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Error: {e}")
            return None
    return None

while True:
    led.value(not led.value())
    if uart.any():
        data =
        telemetry = parse_kiss_telemetry(data)

1 Like

Makerbase 84100hp got only 6 mosfets , while XCross got 12 mosfets. Therefore more heat produced.
On the other it better handles cooling because mosfets soldered to the pcb and the pcb glued to the heatsink.
84200 got 12 mosfets.

Shunts of VESC add to the heating.

Mosfets used in Makerbase vesc 84100, 84200, 75100 and Sequre esc are HYG015N10NS1TA

Xcross 160A


Tested XCross 80A.
Added two capacitors. One capacitor on long leg - the leg melted.
Esc glued to aluminum plate. 12s 80A.
20s till esc temperature reached 130c.