Flipsky 6374 vs 6384: Which one reigns supreme?

I also prefer AliExpress. Good they sell there now as well.

What about kV, will it be good to use 140kv with 12s? Now I am on 120kv…

This motor x3 the price of a regular one. What are the benefits aside being battle hardened?

I have run this on 12S and 14S and it works well.


What is the maximum current you typically draw, and what are the maximum current limits of your battery and ESC? Additionally, what is the highest duty cycle you use?

It is funny, but I don’t know that experimentally as it is not VESC, do not have telemetry and there is no current limit. Throttle on the BLHeli ESC and on VX3 is at the default settings.
I just went with the simple proven to work configuration 6384+XCross 160A+12S3P board=90L/me=90kg/foil=1600sqcm.
And it is working, I take off in rough water easy without using full throttle. I just can’t quantify it with current/DC…

In that case, if you currently have a lot of unused throttle range, then this should work, even with a rough estimate.

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Received my 6374 from Flipsky and it is much louder running underwater then my cheap 6384 from china. Sounds about the same out of the water during a brief run up. I tried switching out the ceramic bearings for stainless ones and it didn’t make much of a difference. Same exact setup (esc, 12s, prop, etc). Might experiment with different timing settings in the esc programming.

Anyone have a similar experience or any ideas as to what the solution might be?

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Could be some different things, air sucked through the mast hole (if there is one), cavitation, resonance.

I had big issues with cavitation inside the rotor bell on my 80100 motor. Couldn’t remove it completely even with 3d printed covers inside the motor, epoxy smoothing etc

With my 63100 i can sometimes get what sounds like vibrations/resonance at certain speeds. I guess the long bell and lack of supporting bearing at the base might cause it. Loose bearings and unbalanced props or disturbed flow might be worth to look at.

Do you see bubbles when it happens?

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Thank you for the reply. I have not looked down/back or filmed while riding yet, I will give that a try. The puzzling part is that it is noisy when moving slow thru the water at 3-4 mph as well. I assume at this speed it wouldn’t be pulling air in. Maybe there is air stuck in the rotor that is not releasing from when I first put the board in the water. Motor is very smooth with no vibration felt.

Did you also purchase their prop?

No, I am using a foil drive three blade prop. I drilled and tapped the rotor to make it work with the Flipsky motor.

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That’s strange, i agree with you. Could try to isolate the motor noise with a layer of rubber where clamp meets the mast

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1: Run the motor underwater without the prop and see if there is any noise.
2: Try a different prop and see if there is a noise.
3: Check the balancing of the foil drive prop on the motor. You may have drilled slightly off centre and created a balance issue.

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I agree the prop hole might be offcenter

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Tried today Flipsky 6374 waterproof motor with their propeller. I am amazed how quiet it is, but bothers me that it vibrates the whole board when starting. When on speed or if given full throttle vibrations stop.
As if blades not open fully at first… Here is a video of propeller blades having not small mechanical play. Maybe this is the problem ?

Also it was difficult to remove the rotor after the session, I don’t know why…

My Foil drive ones have some movement as well. I use the Flpsky 6384 there us quite a different sound and vibration to the generic 6384. Think bearings as cause of lot of vibration and noise.
Good motors I use it with the 3 blade Foildrive 3 blade prop. but I do have one of the ones that you have coming in the mail so should be able to compare when it turns up.

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How is the power and efficiency with the flipsky prop?

It felt strong and the same time smooth an quiet, can’t compare because too many paremeters differ vs rusty ali motor + 120kv + printed prop + old bearings.
But I will not use that Flipsky prop - don’t want to risk motor with these vibrations. Will print prop base 2 and 3 adapted to this motor holes. Have to share also new motor mount…

Update: It may be that replacing the ceramic bearings will stop the vibrations. Will check it.

Just received the waterproofed 6374. Can confirm the ceramic bearings have a lot of play and make an awful sound just by spinning it by hand… Will replace them with SS ones. I don’t know why they chose to use ceramic ones, maybe because the Saite one uses them?

To me the bearings look fine and sound pretty quiet too when turning by hand or in the water.

I tried now replacing the bearings. Replaced the 6900. Didn’t succeed to remove 6800, they are stuck in the surrounded epoxy…
I think, before destroying them to try surf like this.
But the problem is that getting off the the rotor is very difficult, it slides 1cm and then stuck. So it is the 6800 holding it, probably they are not aligned or something, probably have to remove them now…

My Flipsky motor is difficult to get the outer rotor removed from as well. I have found that pulling in a fast smooth motion while trying to pull perfectly straight makes a difference. If it gets stuck at the 1 cm distance I push it back in then try again.

The manta system uses this same motor. They run two ceramic open bearings and one stainless steel bearing similar to foil drive. They do not use the stock Flipsky ceramic bearings. Manta sells a two and three blade injection molded propeller setup that fits this motor. I really like their propeller design but the rest of the setup needs some work.

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