Foil assist Japan

I’ve printed a few efoil props with JLC3D. They’re China based, prices and shipping (at least to the USA) are pretty good and they have lots of printing options. I tried MJF, which a nylon powder based print. Also tried an SLA print in nylon as well. Both turned out really nice, very stiff and hard compared to FDM prints I’ve had. However I when I hit some weeds last month and also crashed into a sand bar with one of these props it chipped, so they clearly have limits to their toughness that isn’t hard to reach. They have a slight grit to the surface that can be sanded down a bit if you want, probably not necessary but easy to do.

I ended up getting a Flashforge Adventurer 4 which is a bit of an older printer. Along with the regular filaments, it can print in ABS, ASA, and TPU. I investigated some 3d printing places but I think this way will work out cheaper in the long run and of course, there is a much bigger learning curve ahead of me. I think I might also have found a source for the batteries but now I see that Molicel is going to release a P50B which takes the capacity from 4000 mAh (P42A) up to 5000 mAh.
which is 25% more than the current assist. Thinking I might wait a little while to see what the price is going to be.

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The Ampace JP40 seems like a good option. Highest score for high current in Mooch’s testing

Deal here:

Thanks for the news.
But the data in picture is incorrect.
Actual continuous current - 50A.

Same internal resistance as 45b.
It’s price when it will be available is twice that of 45b , which got reduced in price recently.
50b has +11% capacity, but twice the price.

The eve 40pl seems to offer the highest discharge. I don’t see moochs rating for the ampace.

Called LT22710A in the table, with a question mark if it’s the same as the ampace but in his other posts he seems to confirm they are the same.

This is the cell he recommended for the >40A discharge together with the moli 50 - but i guess molis are considerably more expensive.

Thanks for that. I had not seen a data sheet on the battery but only a popup on the Molicel website and that graphic came from a hashtag off their LinkedIn profile.
Twice the price is a little bit steep for me.

Same was for p45b.
P45b came out 2 years ago.

'The new hotness from Molicel, the P45B, has arrived for testing - Battery Builds - DIY Electric Skateboard Forums

Half year ago it’s price was still x2 of p42a, now it is %30-%50 more.

So the prediction is by the time the 50B’s price becomes justifiably viable, Molicel will be bringing out a better model making me question my decision further. Thanks for the info, I’ll keep going down the P45B path then.