Foil Drive Assist, DIY

Acronym soup is right!

I’ll hopefully get a chance to try different timings and start up settings tonight. Thanks for the advice.

I haven’t been able to but others have. My limiting factor I believe is my BMS limiting continuous amps to 50 and peak of 80. I will hopefully be proving this shortly as people on here have had no problems with power.

Update on my new esc and the stutter. After research, I believe the term for this is cogging. There are a few useful videos on YT explaining this and the description fits.

I haven’t got rid of it but have lessened the symptoms by setting timings to 0 and start to very slow (thanks Alex2A for the suggestion). If I throttle to over 30% straight away it stutters a little and then works. If I throttle below 30% at the start it stutters and then stops. This is the Hobbywing flyfun 120a 3-8s esc. I would not recommend it for this application (unless I just have a dodgy one).

170usd watercooled waterproof compact 12s 200A ESC candidate for the Faux Drive Assist:

I’m at a similar point! Have the same hoping to get some feedback whether the 650 W rating for a flipsky 5085 sounds sufficient. It has Kv 140 and runs on 22v. Since I want to run 8S battery set up but keep weight down as much as possible.
It weighs 0.68 kg.
Let’s hope we get some feedback. I note that ‘jan3’ modified a smaller 5065 by rewinding but I’m too clueless to try that. It’s only rated at IP28, so will need extra waterproofing I think.

kV is dependent on the total motor design, for a given motor you change kV most easily by rewinding it. You can change magnets and/or magnet poles also to change kV but then this is a big job.

I am building a shopping list based on this thread, but I want to understand battery options for those of us who aren’t interested in building a battery pack. Are the Hobbyking lipo’s sufficient at only 12C? for this application, assuming I go for the 6384 120kv and Flycolor 150?

If not, who else has used an off the shelf battery that doesn’t break the bank?


Cheap ESC battery combination for a good foil assist setup ( or a 10-15 minute continuous efoil setup!)

I’m successfully using the flipsky 75100 (based on VESC) for efoiling, it costs around $100. I probably have around 10 hours on it so far running a 65121 inrunner rated at 3700w max and 2000w continuous, I’ve set max motor current to 120a, use a 48v battery, and usually sustain 80a battery current for 10 seconds. Should run the popular 6384 outrunner well. It would definitely be a good foil drive assist ESC, and would allow higher voltage than many of the cheaper 6s ESC people are using. Pair that with a battery like this one, I get 10-15 minutes of run time with it, and you have a ESC battery combo for $150.

I’m running water cooling, but a heat sink would work fine for foil assist. Add the Bluetooth module (nrf) and you can use the VESC android app for real time data.

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Not many off the shelf battery options out there in lithium ion. If it helps me and a mate found a local battery builder that would assemble a fully built “made in Australia” 18cell 24volt battery BMS for $400Aud. Talk to local bike battery builders or commercial electronic suppliers. a good charger will set you back another $200AUD. The last DIY kit I built came in at $1250AUD in parts alone. Not including 3D printing.

Boxed and ready to go!


@Alex2A What transmitter is that in your post? It looks like you potted it in epoxy. Is it a 2.4ghz rc transmitter?

Is there a difference in the efficiency of 6384 from different manufacturers? Flipsky, Alien P S, no name Ali?

Yes, the stator width has been different between manufacturers, i think torqueboards were largest when i read it (on diyelectricskateboard forum)

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There is a difference, of course. The cheapest 120 kv motor from aliexpress is noticeably weaker compared to freerchobby 6384 150 kv or odrive 6374 140 kv.

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yes, it’s from ali

it is supposed to be waterproof, and it was kind of coated, so maybe it was.
nonetheless I dipped it completely in epoxy, while I coated the motor. So far it works well

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by how many percent approximately? 10 or 50?

I didn’t bench test, just got out on the water, so I don’t have numbers, just words.

Is it possible to get a result

with motor 6384 120 KV noname and Flycolor FlyDragon 150A ESC at 12S?

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From what i can recall it was a substantial difference, ~20%

Hi all, jumping in late to the party but I’m excited to build one of these. I’m going to make a 8s3p 18650 setup as it seems the extra power helps getting on foil.

I have a question about esc though. I built an electric skateboard a few years back with a vesc. Similar to this one: DIY Electric Skateboard BLDC ESC Based on VESC® 4 — MBoards

Hoping to waterproof with some hot glue and reuse this for this application. Any reason why I shouldn’t?