Fr 2019 motor system

Congratulations. Always amazing. Sent mp to you.

Just to focus on the new impeller (Ninja ?) hub shape at Onean’s (jetboards). Looks like Caeses has done a good job again. This is not offered by MHZ right now… even if they could be the manufacturer.

  • ►Increases +50% the acceleration between 0 and 30 km/h in Carver.
  • ►+10% of top speed.
  • ►Reaches planning 40% sooner
  • ►No more power consumption but more performance.
  • ►Less noise

210218 New Onean impeller

I tested today the flite prop with the cone

I improved the consumption 1 to 2 amp compared to my best propeller. And in addition no noise compared to my aluminum propellers. Very happy


Please post records if possible.
Have spent more time now comparing the Flite to the FR6".
I still prefer the FR for bigger blade area (easier take off) and about 5% better effciency, but as far as a plastic prop goes I also find it amazing.

BTW how are you liking the Veloce wing setup?
I have the Veloce M wing with carve 40cm stab. I thought it was quite unstable, but offered quite hight lift for the size.
Care to share your setup and thoughts?

I don’t have any data logger on my Efoil, only the data with Maytech remote
here some tests with veloce XXL, XL and the stab 47cm

Understood the Flite has higher pitch than the FR: Wonder, if you would have a faster wing, how would the efficiency between them change? Take off maybe even harder, but when flying on the wing maybe advantage to have smaller blade area and higher pitch when speed increases?

Hmm. All of my evaluation is done with avg speed of 30kmh, which I consider rather fast foiling as normal avg is about 25kmh. The FR is slightly more efficient at my tested speeds, but actually the big takeaway is that I have no problems correcting a prop breach with the FR since its very undramatic. With the Flite prop i’ve had some issues and it seems it cavitates longer after a breach.
Keep in mind that I run “unducted”. I do belive that the Flite is optimized for ducted use.

Yes, purely speculation from my side. According to the duct papers have found, ducted props should have higher pitch, less diameter than “free” prop on same ship, that seams to match well in this comparison. Still a rather amazingly small difference in performance considering so different design. FR is still the champ! And strange enough that FR prop looks, except the diameter, most like a very traditional outboard prop, including the straight hub.
Looking at pictures from torpedo’s(IMHO closer to this than a submarine), many of them have a straight hub, not tapered. Maybe due to noise, or then just a straight is better even if should not be:)

This week its going out! :sparkles::heart_eyes:


Hi David, surprised that you are shipping again. We had a lot of lists on here about ordering process and I have not heard anything. Are you taking more orders for 6” or 7”, cost? Direct PM order?

No, it is the new one:

Robert, Is the new batch from FR new geometry like progressive and unbalanced/unpolished?
I can see there is no colour anodisation, but thats more cosmetics.

For more easy ordering, let me know


Aha, that’s cool! How about complete boards & efoils? :sunglasses:

You want FLYWAY , efoil ar HISTORY :star_struck::see_no_evil::eyes:

Yes we want flyway , you forgot to update your site :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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About time you prove it :+1:

When you starting with the shipping?

:point_right: end-of March we started testing V002.

If will be good i will made for preorders next year 100 of them.

Its take longer like on EFOIL because we have a lot more moving parts.