Gong foil, and Flipsky 65161 motor. Looking for mast clamp file

Yes, Great, That is the same mast as the gong. The model looks very nice. May I have those files please.

Wow could I have that duct file please. I appreciate your design.

I am going to share all the cads in a build thread this weekend

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Thank you, Look forward to it. It looks like you ran all 3 of your phase wires down the same passage in the mast. Did you go with a round hole in the side of the mast or a slot. Also make sure you smooth all the edges of the mast hole because those silicone phase wires get razor like cuts in them very easily.

I am running late to wrap up the build thread, sharing the cads here for you guys:


Thanks I love your design

have you tested that prop?

which prop is on there?

Thats PM prop but Flying Rodeo prop also fots in this duct

is there a 3d file for this duct to share ?

duck and prop are from pacificminster build. I never tested the prop or duct and moved to Flying Rodeo prop with another ducks someone shared here

If you are still looking for some files. I have them for you.

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Could you share? I designed a clamp for F5085 a while back, but if you have something ready to go, I might take a shortcut!

I have also Mastclamps for the Ging Mast and the Flipsky Motor


hello sami, any chance you have the mast clamp file without the mast profile cut out? I have a different mast and trying to fit this clamp to it. I very much appreciate it. cheers

These are great, thanks @samisin
I see two different mast clamp files in here. One in the “gathered parts” folder and one in the “flipsky motor mount” folder. Are they both meant for the gong/chinese mast and flipsky motor? Also, did you ever export the STL files in high resolution?

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Those from forum are better than my design. I switched to those. I think you should be able to export from step files. I also added battery box project file there

Hi guys, congratulations on the forum, it’s gorgeous and full of info. I am writing from Italy and I ran to understand if you are printing these pieces with a normal 3d printer or used a resin 3d printer. Thanks so much for the information.

Normal, anycubic mega s in my case. Print hollow and fill with epoxy

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Hello Guys, I would just Hole and two minors things of mast clam. Is there any chance to get original file or Exported in other format than stl / I m using FUSION just in case !