Hadou Tow Boogie "Tori-Tow V1" Build

Hi Everyone,

My name is Hadou. I live and foil in france, south of Britany.

I’ve been riding DIY foil assist and official foildrives gen2 for more Thant 1/1,5 years now and finally got into the tow boogie fever recently !
I do lots of gear reviews on Youtube and the assist has been a game changer for all the boards and Foil tests.

Here is my first Tow. I call him “Tori-Tow V1”. Because a V2 is already in the work

In short.

I’m on a 4 batteries Setup 4X 6S2P (Samsung 50S)

1 Single Saite 6384 motor

1 Sequre 12200 ESC

Maytech classic remote and receiver.

48 inches Boogie board.

Kite foil Twintip fin under to counter the motor couple effect

Floating pole to straighten the outline of the bodyboard on the tail.

I used a Camdenboss larger than the one we use on the DIY F-Assist.

I use a Waterblock for ESC cooling. It’s doing a great job.

Added a few EVA blocks to get more float ability on the front in choppy and windy conditions.

Total Weight is 10,2 KG

Here is the beast. I will release a video this week to show you how it works.

Enjoy !


One first video where you can see the tow.
Here, I was just showing my way of taking off to my friends :


Continuing the discussion from Hadou Tow Boogie "Tori-Tow V1" Build:

Here is my First video with this Tow !
Enjoy !


Thanks for posting all the build information. It looks like a very effective boogie.

With your 4 x 6s2p packs. How do you configure them for a session? Do you connect to give 12s4p overall? If so, how long a surf session does that give you?



Amazing Hadou!!! As usual! Thanks for your reviews. I guess you are preparing a new video Tuto to explain how to make it DIY :grin: and share component sourcing? What is the propeller model for example? Cheers

Hi James ! Right ! I pair them as a 12S4P

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Thanks…hmmm, not really. I’d rather review a commercialised Tow Like the Zero Tow of Mark for example in order to valorize the practice the same way I did with Foildrive gen 2 (even if I’m also riding diy foil assists regularly). I think it’s a bit touchy to make detailed video on how to build that.
We created whatsapp groups to help people in my comunity and I’m more into discussing on forums like here than giving the whole recipe in a video :slight_smile:

Ok I understand, it takes time and money to produce videos and prototypes. What do you prefer between Foil Drive and Tow Boogie?

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Amazing. I had just watched your video and that spurred me on to get going with a tow boogie project which life has got in the way of up until now!
So I came back to the forum and find your write up here.
I have watched your videos beforehand as I’m a progressing winfoiler. Thanks for making your videos. :ok_hand:

Well that’s a very good question. Tow is new to me but I love the fact that it brings me back to the original setup board+foil with no extra added weight once I let the rope go.
Even if you use that tow as a “launcher” I love the simplicity and the concept of riding like if I made a normal take off / paddling. I feel lighter for pumping and linking waves without the tow.

I went Foilinf with my Foil assist the day following this session on much bigger waves on a spot where you feel safer having your battery in the back and motor under the board to get out of a zone wher the waves are breaking. you can quickly get away even in white water in difficult conditions with the F-assist.

Tow boogie is more for “soft” conditions. this is my perception, today but I might change my mind progressively if I get more confident in bigger conditions.

In short
Small conditions / under control = tow + bigger foil ((AFS Enduro 900 here)
Bigger waves / carving ++ = Foildrive/foil assist.

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Great you can do this on a single 6384 motor and 200A ESC! What prop have you got on there? and do you know what RPM you’re using during starts?

I like your channel and your videos with foil assist on the body!

How is your imperssion of this esc?
I get desync at certain rpm…

go Hadou Rockstar !!!

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Hi. I was using the flycolors X-cross on my previous setups (diy foil assist) but switched to the Sequre 12200 following my friends recommendations. I’am really happy with them and Like the fact they come already protected in an aluminium case. I got no Desync issue for now but will come back here if this happens.
I ordered 2 others for my Toritow V2 (dual motor that Time based on OKP’s and Etienne’s build. It’s in the work :heart_eyes:


Thanks ! I will release soon a short session videos with the backpack setup. I hope you will like it. backpack has pros and cons, but if 100% focussed on surfing, that’s to me, the best solution to get rid of the “weight feeling” when pumping and carving… I alternate between my tow, diy Assist and the tow. Tow is currently the thing I love the most.

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I don’t know for the RPM. every time I’m on a build, I’m lazy and only solder the wire to get the battery indicator on the remote :joy: I don’t have the RPM. But yeah , the 6384 works awesome even with a current max protection set to 50 amp for me mainly riding AFS 850 silk and Enduro 900/700 at the moment. I weight 62kg but don’t need all the power it gives.

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The Sequre 12200 that you use is BLHeli or AM32 version?

Thanks for the response. I also have a dual motor boogie based on @Jesserosco build, it’s so much fun, but looking at something to replace my 3D printed props because they are fine in clean water but keep breaking when running into debris, even seaweed breaks them. Keen to know which prop you use because it must have some good power to pull you up on one motor at <50A!

I’m using the BL HEli version.

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